Computer Setup


Do you really think you can advance with a background like that?
What anime/manga is that though? I'm blanking
Yeah, he can not advance, he will have to redo.
Your's barely larger than your mouse.
What is the headphone stand?
I'll just repeat myself.
Great setup! But what do you have on your iPod touch?
Are you asking about the case or just the jailbreak setup?
Is the coolcomputersetups app you have Coolcomputersetups Sync pro? Or is it just using the icon? I was under the impression that it was only for Android.
What jailbreak did you use>?
So... How many times have you finished Super Hexagon?
I have over 100 seconds on every single level except the last hyper mode
Hey, where's that lockscreen wallpaper from? It looks awesome.
Can you link the desktop background picture? That is awesome! Great setup too.
Much respect on the Ipod Classic i am still holding out hope that they will update it and make it better then it already is
In what ways? for many people it does just what they want, no extra stuff with a lot of space. the only way I think they could improve is the amount of space obviously but also changing it to a SSD. but it probably won't happen for awhile.
Man, I really want one of those huge ipods.
I believe is an iPod Classic 6th gen
Why does everyone have a huge microphone
Because that mic is well priced, sounds decent, and has a built in stand.
What show is that in your background. Pretty sure I remember watching that but I can't remember the name.
Das Keyboard and a Blue Yeti, excellent choices!
Who makes that little clock?
I got it on eBay for cheap but i bought it for the USB hub and the clock itself is shit, it accurays 20 minutes every month.
What games are you running?
CSGO on Mac, FarCry 3 & Red orchestra 2 on windows
Could you send me a link to the dell monitor? Preferably I am also looking such a monitor so i can use it in portrait mode, but i am having a hard-time..
Would you recommend it for portrait mode?
Well, the reason why i bought this monitor is to use it for portrait mode and if that's all you going to do with it then yes i would recommend it
Is the date/music player on your desktop from Rainmeter? I am unfamiliar whether or not there is rainmeter for Mac is not.
I'm using GeekTool on Mac but its pretty much the same as rainmeter
Nice setup! How's the battery life on the mouse?
Terrible, i have to charge it every few days.
What are your thoughts on the Yeti? I was vaguely considering buying one.
They're pretty awesome for a desktop Mic and i've used it to record Music as well as for skype and it never disappointed me
What types of stands are the ipods on?
Hey just curios, I see a lot of people around here with large microphones like yours- what's the advantage, and what's your main use for it? Thanks!
Is it weird that the first thing I noticed was that you were listening to Daft Punk?
Beautiful setup, what are the docks you're using for the ipods? How do you like the sound of those speakers?
Can you tell me about your microphone? How does it sound? When you use it do you use it from that far away from your mouth?
What kind of video do you edit? Are you using Final Cut or iMovie?
Final Cut Pro and i do a lot of reviews
I stopped reading after iMac!
The new evangelion is just so bad. I know it's a continuation of the series rather than a remake, but the original show had so much more depth, so much more mystery, the animation made it seem real. The new movies with just cgi, more basic design, less detail, compacted story line.. it just loses out badly to the tv series..
Which series are you watching??
They have never explicitly said they are a remake. There is lots of evidence that this new rebuild is actually the world shinji rebuilds after the last movie. There is a blood spatter on the moon which was not in the original series, this was caused by the giant REI which you can see in the movie End of Evangelion. Also all of the seas are totally red, from LCL/blood from the giant REI. There is tons of other clues.
Good points all round actually. I guess I just took their word for it when they said 'The seas were dyed red from second impact' in rebuild. That's an interesting concept so I will go ahead and watch EoE again.
Me too (live action film) but I think epic failure that will be Pacific Rim is basically going to destroy any chance of a live action film ever happening.
Have you seen 3.33? It is completely and utterly different from anything that happens in the series. It's probably a sequel, and definitely not a remake, although it might be an alternate universe.
No, I must admit I have not and that's a good point about the moon. I'll deserve further judgment until 3.33 hits Aussie cinema in Aug-Oct.
All seemed well until the carbon fiber magic mouse...
You can if you partition the drive and install windows. if you don't want to do that, macs have evolved a lot when it comes to gaming. steam has thousands of mac friendly games available and many top games on sale work with mac. this isn't 2001.
I know its sarcasm, but they are surprisingly good for gaming. This coming from a PC gamer for 12+ years who just bought his first mac this year.
Ditto. Mawfucka would overheat on TF2 all day

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