Computer Setup


Damn it, that is exactly what I wanted to say. LOL!
An overly supervised railroad worker.
The third guy is pippin
There is no answer to this question that's flattering. This was pretty poorly thought out, unless being denigrated was the idea in which case good job!
The couch looks more comfy
Egg fried rice? (TIL egg is asian reference for whites dating asians) the fried bit cos you're hot/on fire...
I only see three people. I thought Asians were supposed to be good at math...
Peel the film off the back of the middle guy's monitor!
Honey Stars with milk. (Google honey stars if you don't know what it is)
You look trapped, should i send help?
Well I'd call one of the asians a ninja...
Most of a League of Legends team.
This might sound crazy but how about just 4 guys?

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