Computer Setup


Specs: MOBO: BIOSTAR TH67+ LGA 1155 Intel H67
Jesus christ the stickers. The razer stickers. The monster stickers. That's just plain disgusting. Please just buy the beets to complete your corporate worship.
The monster sticker was given to me. But I do like my Razer gear. You also forgot to mention danscomp which is on my desk.
Its funny because he wants to rag on the stickers. He failed to mention the other companies that have stickers on my doors.
Keep on keeping on man, if you plan on upgrading your PC anytime in the future, I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can.
To complete my corporate worship I need beats? OK! Does having a Germany Flag in my room make me a Nazi as well?
This is your first and last warning, we have been getting a lot of reports on your account please stop ridiculing other members and instead please be a positive member.

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