Computer Setup


What the hell did I start, lol.
ME TOO! The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is the fan controller. I either have it full on or all the way down. buttons would make more sense.
What desk? JK. That's a pretty big improvement. Good job!
Tell us what desk your new desk is!
Sweet choice on the Pledge Multi Surface.
I had that same desk up til about 3 months ago. It is great for all around usefulness. Just dont let the clutter build up from other hobbies. Eventually it can become a trap.
What desk? We must know.
I have no idea, I bought it on Craiglist when I moved across the country.....sorry
Get your case off the carpet! D:
I'd keep the tower off the ground, it's going to get more dust and crap in the fans if you keep it where it is.
I had your original desk for like a year, served me well but can really only comfortable fit one screen.

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