That's a good motto for life, "If things get in the way, get rid of it"
"I dropped my keys under the car, time to get rid of it!"
O forgot to add something to the end, its a good motto for life if you're a mafia boss
If you still have the xbox you could give it to a children's hospital. They take whatever they can get and you can make some kids day.
I like the setup. What are the specs?
"If you don't cooperate for the journey, I will cut off your hands and bitch slap you with them until we get there" - Rico
I don't have all the specs off by heart but I know that I have Nvidia 650 Ti, 8 GB of RAM, Intel Core i5-3570K CPU 3.40Ghz, Windows 7 and 1TB hardrive. That's at the top of my head so if there are any mistakes sorry because I'm on the go right now.