Computer Setup


Nice to see a station that actually looks like somebody uses it.
Admittedly, I did clean up quite a bit before these shots were taken, but yes, my computer setup gets used heavily on a daily bases.
There's too many spotless gaming setups on this coolcomputersetups (to be honest, guilty of it myself. Love my place looking so minimalistic) and to put it frank, I love how yours looks. It's gorgeous!
How did you do the clock on the wallpaper widget/thing? and is it available for pc?
Nice GoT wallpaper. btw, whats that app you use for the clock/date to appear on your desktop like that?
Nah its not to bad. You can find a lot of scripts and install/run them without writing a single line of code. They almost always have detailed instructions.
Cool. well maybe i'll start to learn the basics after DL'ing and looking through a few. looks like fun to make your own scripts
Not OP but there are a ton of sites devoted to geektool scripts. MacRumors and github come to mind (I have downloaded geeklets from those two sources before).
I second this question, the clock/date looks badass.
1 23" Apple Cinema Display & 2 20" Apple Cinema Displays.
Ah nice. What resolution are they?
I could be wrong, but they appear to be Apple Cinema Displays. A 23" flanked by a 20" on each side to be precise. OP, correct me if I'm wrong.
Why Beats? Not hating or anything, I just hear a lot of negative things about them, particularly the Solos. By the way, nice gaming setup!
They were given as a gift. My parents bought them for me for Christmas, because being the graphic designer that I am, thought the packaging looked cool. Indeed, the packaging is freaking awesome.
Ah ok. That's nice of your parents. Beats may not be the best bang-for-your-buck headphones, but damn are they sexy.
They look nice and sound decent(not amazing) but I just think they are uncomfortable.
Ghats one of the reasons I want beats. They aren't worth the money, but the aesthetic is nice.
Haha, I was wondering if a metal head out there would pick up on that.
Not only a metal head but a graphic designer and webdev. plus I got a new desk similar to yours yesterday and I think Im going to steal your layout!
We're like the same person in two different points at the same time...
Hey OP, what's driving your monitors? I think I see a Mac pro under the desk, with a triplehead video card in it?
Two video cards. One powering the 2 20" monitors and just one powering the 23".
Holy canolli we have he exact same background, background bros?
As a graphic designer its crazy to see someone else have exactly the same layout of programs. I always have Spotify, PhotoShop (which grid system you using btw?) and then my Dreamweaver or whatever else on screen 3. Love it
Same trade and same thought here. My dock is organized the same way. Goes Browsers/email/chat > Adobe products/Coda/Terminal > Fun stuff (music, etc).
We have the same desk, Yay IKEA!
Nice I have the same desk but I don't have the extension
Damn, those monitors are sweet. Always wanted one (or three) of those. Very jealous.
Care to share that background?
Awesome desk setup. And it looks like your office is a great space. Loving the exposed brick.
I see you use Font Explorer Pro, what do you think about it, and how do you like using it, versus the standard fontbook in OSX? I'm wondering if I should justify getting it.
A high percentage of designers use Macs. They're absolutely excellent for the job.
You couldn't be more incorrect. Please, do tell me, what's wrong with a mac? If you're going to join the mac hate circlejerk, at least have some reasons to back yourself up with.
They are over priced, that's about it. They are very good machines buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt2pricey4life
Curious, every design shop that I have been to on the west coast [most of them in Portland, OR], they all are running Macs. My design company runs nothing BUT Macs.

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