Computer Setup


I quite like the rail mounted shelves. Where did you happen to find those?
Well, I'm in Brazil, so I don't think my information will help you, but I found them at Tok & Stok
Cyanide & Happiness! Pretty good looking.
How comfortable are those headphones after a couple hours? any pain?
They're pretty nice, a little heavy, but no problem really
I have the same headset and they are AMAZING for long hours, its like a man cave for your ears. And it has a very good surround sound for its price point.
Awesome! I bought some sony headphones and they are unbearable after even 20 minutes.
Nice laptop! I have the same type. The MSI GT70!
I absolutely love my GT70 it is such a beast. The keyboard is nice for typing but I use a filco majestouch2 mech keyboard for my games :)
Nowhere as near as good as yours but I got a razer blackwidow ultimate 2013.
Ah, I have the Corsair 1500 too and its an amazing Headset and it has a very good surround sound for its price.
Are surround sound headsets legit?
Yes, they are very good, and as someone who has a surround sound also, it is pretty close.
Would I need a nice sound card to benefit fully from them, or will a simple onboard motherboard port work fine?
I use a simple onboard on mine that i use for both the surround and headset surround. I have the Z77 zabertooth mobo, which is a bit more costy mobo though.
Onboard motherboard ports are as low quality as it gets, really. From what little I know, you should invest in a good soundcard/external amp to get the best out of any higher end speakers/headphones.
You'll definitely benefit from having a good sound card, but you can always pick one up later, even an external one. I always check head-fi for things like this though.
I just got mine a week ago or so 69.99 on sale, very happy with them for that price :) And yes, the surround works quite well on a stock sound hard.
+1 for the laptop, I have the earlier version, GT660. MSI is a great brand
Sorry about the headset picture, I thought I rotated that...
I have the MSI GE60 (GTX 765M is one of the small differences.) Do you notice any static at low volumes when you plug in your headphones? Mine is pretty bad (all headphones I own produce the static.)
I haven't had any problems with static, but the right earphone/bud will sometimes be at a lower volume than the left, twisting the connector around usually solves it though.
That's most likely the headphone cable tho, not the outputs.
But not the USB headphones
How do you like the headset? It isn't the most popular but I love Corsair, so I'd like to hear your opinion.
I haven't had much of a chance to use them yet, I've played around 2 hours with them on, but they sound great, and I haven't noticed any pain while wearing them so far.
Awesome. I got a turtle beach cheaper headset for a present and they get uncomfortable pretty quickly. Thanks for the opinion!
I just got a pair my self, I go loong hours with them on and I have no issues, they are a little heavy for after a day or so you get used to it, really nice quality for the price.
I'm pretty sure it's this one, pretty spiffy if I may say so my self.
I'm looking at getting that exact same laptop for school, how is it?
I have the same mouse, mousepad and headset as you.
That's a sweet looking headset, do you have a price (in AU dollars)?
99.99 USD right now off the corsair website if that helps you any. They are the 1500 Vengeance series.
Im into that lava lamp, always wanted one
What do you battle on this, pop-ups?

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