Computer Setup


Purple is something i don't see that often. Good job, much appreciating to see something different. What did you use for the light?
Tell me more about that CPU fan, I badly want one
It is the Zalman CNPS 9900 MAX with a red LED in the fan. It has two heat pipes on one side, 4 heat pipes on the other with a fan in the center. It looks bad ass! It comes with either a blue or a red LED. anything else?
Different, but absolutely gorgeous setup--nice job!
You got me curious... Different how? please elaborate
Purple isn't popular, but it looks awesome
I can change it what ever color I deisre, however purple goes well with my black and red gear.
Cherry MX Browns are the way to go.
Colours look really great! Hard to tell from the pictures, do the purple from the LED strip make your red LED fan appear purple as well?
Yes since purple has some red in it it blends well with the red LED in the cooler. The LED strip is capable of going any color you want by adjusting the levels of red, blue and green
Hey mate, perfect setup! What case is that?
NZXT Switch 810 Matte Black
Nice clean build man. NZXT Switch 810 is a beast! I love mine.
Your rig look's beautiful! That purple lighting look's fantastic, what type of RAM is that btw? :) Oh & were did you find that lighting for your rig? :)
One more question! lol, what case is that?
But what about the rest of your gaming setup? It isn't just your PC innards

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