Computer Setup


The first piece for this thing was ordered August 12, 2010. Since around then (regarding the internals of the PC) I've added only the additional two video cards, sound card, and one of the 1 TB hard drives. Also replaced the PSU (old 1000W one failed.) Originally I was using a HP ZR22w on each side, however 1080p in portrait mode isn't wide enough for me so I switched to the HP ZR24w which are 1920x1200. I love the ZR30w as a center and will never go back to 1080p, 2560x1600 is amazing.
I also have an Antec 1200 for my case and it's amazing. My guts are far less impressive than yours though.
It's actually super heavy and difficult to move, but it's not like I move it often. I love having as much space as possible inside it, and Antec is quite simply the go-to brand for good cases.
I know what you mean with the weight! That's the only thing I really don't like about it. Mine weighs 42lbs with everything loaded into it. I have a special moving cover, padding, straps, and a procedure whenever it needs to go anywhere. It doesn't help that's it's nearly 1/3 my body weight!
I've moved with it 3 times now. I hold onto all the boxes for things like that.. and my LCDs.. and my speakers. I'm considering building a shelf for it, if I do it's going to have to be very strong!
I've been known to play some BF3 when I have the time. You are correct, I only game on the center monitor. I have not found any app/etc which allows me to game across monitors when using a PLP setup and unmatching video cards.
A single Titan seems to maintain 60fps on BF3 ultra at 1600p without a hitch:
Futureproofing is good, who knows what the future holds, but I'm sure the pair will last me at least 3-5 years. Maybe eventually we'll have 120hz or 240hz 2560x1600 LCDs! Either way, having matching cards always helps with driver annoyances as well.
How are you running 5 monitors on a mere 8600 GTS? I can't even do 3 on my GTX 560.
Depending on the brand of your GTX 560 it should have no problem doing 3. I believe most have two DVI outs and one HDMI out with the ability to use all three simultaneously? (With a HDMI -> DVI adapter.)
Aaah, didn't see those other Asus cards. You mentioned that different brands of the GeForce 560 should be able to do 3 monitors with the two DVI and one mini HDMI, but they won't because the drivers available don't support more than 2.
What do you use it for?

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