Computer Setup


Working at McD's worth it.
Nice Job man! I'm a manager at McDonalds :)
Very nice! It looks like you worked very hard to get this rig, I hope you enjoy it.
Processor: AMD A10 5700 quad-core processor 3.4ghz
Beautiful rig, kudos from a fellow (and now former) McD's slave!
Nice machine man, i prefer intel based pc's, but it really nice. You should try solid HDD, they don't have so much capacity (i thinks the biggest for now have 128 GB) but it compensates with a very very fast working.
Do you mean an SSD? (Solid State Drive). There are options available now with capacities well over 128gb but the tech is still priced at about $1usd per GB. Gets expensive.
Yeh haha i dont have that kind of money i dont think i will for a long time.
Yeah, i meaned that xD I know it's expensive by now, but you can use a dual configuration with two HDD, one for the OS and a couple of things more, and another for storing data, movies, photos etc
Yeah I was just kidding about using a 32gb RAM disk as a ps scratch disk. Photoshop only uses a scratch disk when it runs out of ram, so if its needing to use a scratch disk at all with 32gb of ram available (1) that's a problem (2) if you had 64gb it would make sense to just use a smaller RAM disk and maybe use 48gb of ram in the computer if you really need it.
I also prefer Intel PC's but i had a tight budget so thats all i could afford, that's probably another reason i wont try solid HDD because i dont have much money :(
Dude you need to look for an IT job, if you can build your own computer then I am sure it won't be hard to get one. I am working at one right now. ;D
What is the usual income for an IT job?

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