I like your place. Small, simple and tastefully designed.
I have a feeling OPs gf had a hand in that. It is very nice.
Nah, pretty much me. Though she was in charge of the decor in the bedroom.
Nice well you have a good sense of design and a sick computer setup. I would post my rig on here but my desk is a disaster. Im one of those organized chaos type of people lol.
I think he just knows how to get to Ikea.
Probably but its still easy to pick out shitty combos of furniture from ikea.
Choose contemporary style furniture and try to pick two or three colors to make up a room.
Anyone know if there's a section where people post pictures of their apartments/houses like this?
R/roomporn is as close as I have seen.
I skim it, never going into the comments.
You're smarter than I am. :(
Also, too much concept art.
So the problem is that you don't like what the coolcomputersetups likes? Well, that's just, like, your opinion man.
I'm saying that people bookmark content that doesn't deserve to be bookmarkd. That goes for every sub, but particularly those intended to be the end-all be-all for that type of content.
Thanks! That's just what I was searching for.
Where's this and how much does it run you?
It's in downtown San Francisco. As for how much, it's a lot more than I'd prefer but a hell of a lot less than it should be going for. Housing here is insane, but this was quite a steal relatively speaking.
My brother shared a 3 bedroom condo with a few other people for $4000/mo in the Sunset district of SF.
Sounds about right. Lived there 5 years ago and shared a 2 bedroom condo with 4 people for $3000 by Lake Merced (outskirts of SF).
Downtown SF - holy shit dude apts there start at least $1500/month
How small, and nice this apartment is, at least $1800/month :\ $1500 is you're on the outskirts I believe.
Lol yeah I was lowballing on the rent because he said he got it for a steal. Downtown is an expensive ass place to live...
Whoops, didn't see the steal part!
$1500 is like a studio there.
Do people there make $30/hr+ or do they have to sell themselves on the street to make rent?
Typically they either have two jobs or yes they make one damn nice salary to affors. What you're talking about is like 3k here in the city lol
Shit, if thats the going rate then it's a serious steal... relative to this fucked up market.
Understandable, I just love the layout. I'm looking for a small and simple place like yours. Thanks bud.
As someone living in the Bay Area, I can validate his claims.
How do you like chromecast so far?
Fantastic. Particularly awesome for watching youtube stuff (battlefield 4, ps4, etc) and netflix. Great for sharing the TV too, everyone's got a remote.
Can you control if there is a master remote so people don't skip content you chose, etc.
I don't believe so, but it's not really an issue for me. I use it mostly for music via Google Music when playin' boardgames and chillin and for netflix via my laptop when coding on the couch (essentially turns the TV into a big second monitor that I control wirelessly from my couch).
All of your shit is to damn expensive...god damn it i want a job.
Or get to the coolcomputersetupss that will help you get a job.
You know what i meant...
But the world is boring D:
Chromecast is $35, not bad. You probably have a TV already...
If CRT's count yes...(im not counting my 24 inch flat screen from 2007..)
Hahah, being employed is fantastic; I can finally buy all the things I've never been able to afford... and not even feel bad about it.
You can download the YouTube app for PS3 and get the same functionality if you have a smartphone. I use my iPhone to "send" YouTube videos to my PS3. Netflix has it's own app, of course.
Aye, that functionallity is pretty awesome, been using that since it came out, but the chromecast is undeniably more convenient for youtubing (idk about netflix though, as the mobile app for netflix is fucking aweful). I can send youtube to the chromecast from my phone, laptop, and tablet; plus the Android/desktop versions of youtube are infinitely better than the PS3 youtube app (which has that terribly offensive list-o-letters keyboard).
I think your saying the same thing I am :)
Yep we're on the same page here. The chromecast seemed to be a bit redundant (but for $35 + 3 months of netflix I was already gonna pay for, it was basically free) at first, but not I basically don't use my PS3 for streaming now. The reason being that the chromecast is always on and ready to stream in like 3 seconds; I don't have to turn on the ps3 and the heat/noise/wait that is associated with using it.
Ah cool, I get your thought process now :)
It's from the crew over at Insomniac Games; I won it last summer (and a copy of every one of their PS3 games + some action figures) via liking the facebook page for their then-to-be-release facebook game Outernauts.
TIL people actually win those competitions.
What is up with those analog sticks? Where can I get some?
I'm a big fan of R&C so I really like that PS3.
Wait, you made those paintings?
Wow! Fantastic apartment. Completely unrelated to the gaming setup, but where is that clock from?
I would also like to know where this clock is from! Please share. :)
I heard you like Ikea.
What female version is that? and did you manage to overclock it?
You missed what I think was a decent opportunity to use overcock, but I guess that would've been a bit disrespectful of OP/OP's lady so it's probably best that you didn't.
Is your desk chair comfy? and where may i find that desk chair?
Oh nice. That looks to be a slightly updated version (my chair is a bit old) with a different base and wayyyy more options. But definitely the same ergonomics. I'd give it a 5/5 for it based on my cost-to-acquire ($99 on sale); its no herman miller, but its definitely got the right features, comfort, and aesthetics for the price.
It's not comfy in the slightest. It was worth the $10 I paid for it and nothing more. Do yourself a favor and spend a little more on a chair. It makes a huge difference. Check Craigslist and see if someone has a used one for cheap.
OOoo I have to disagree I love my chair, super comfy. Foldable armrests are great as well. I had it back in Texas and the breathable back was amazing when biking home in 105 degree heat.
I just couldn't sit in it for longer than an hour without getting major back pains. I've got a much more ergonomic chair now that has the nice breathable material on the back. Never getting a leather one ever again.
Definitely agree with the no leather/pleather aspect. I have a wonderful mesh-backed chair at work... may need to buy one for home.
I have an Aeron, the breathable seat is even better. ;)
Office Depot or Office Max like 3 years ago... not really sure what its called.
If you got it from Office Depot it's called a Calusa. It goes on sale all the time to like 100.
Yep, that's the one, got it on sale for $99 as well.
Why hello to my favorite mod from my favorite coolcomputersetups
Great apartment. What's that map from?
Where did you get that rug for your computer?
Got it at Marshall's 3 years ago. No idea where it originated from (Marshall's basically sells leftovers from other stores).
Dammit Google, I want a Chromecast...
What kind of headphones are those, and how do you like them?
The headphones are Turtle Beach PX51's. I love 'em. I tried out the Stereo Wireless Headphones (PS3), Pulse Elite Wireless Headphones (PS3), Astro A50's, and these PX51's. The A50's and PX51s are pretty clearly in a class of their own in both performance and price. It was pretty hard to chose between the A50's and the PX51's as they are both fantastic, but the features of the PX51 (bluetooth music via phone + sound via wireless is awesome) won me over. Can't go wrong either way.
Thanks for the extended info, I used RES to browse through your album. The comments didn't show up unfortunately. I own both a30's and a40's, and i've had the Quick Disconnect cable give me issues on both sets so I'll take your consideration on the px51's,
If you like the A40's, the A50's are basically identical but wireless. They actually have a bit more bassy/punch sound that was "better" for shooters, but only when in direct comparison to the PX51s. I'd definitely recommend them if ya like Astros.
Info on the table? I want something like that for laptop + second monitor.
Thanks! It stood out to me particularly because of the legs :)
I loved the apartment, where do you live?
Um, potassium? That being said, I love both bananas and Despicable Me... so I will be re-using that gif. Funny coincidence: my ringtone in the banana-holder's phone is a Desipicable Me ringtone where they're singing ba-na-na po-ta-to or something.
I like your banana holder.
This is how I want to live! It has all the things you need, and yet it's still simple! Love it!
Hahah, thanks. Been wanting to do this for a long time; now I finally can afford it and maintain it. It's a great way to go, definitely go for it.
Whole lot of jelly over here. Your place is awesome, well done.
I love you home. This makes me feel good inside to see houses like this.
I really like the clean and modern design. Very well done.
7 Wonders?! Small World?! Pandemic?!
Was hoping someone besides me noticed them. Good choices of games.
Nice... those are my favorites to play with a good group.
You couldn't show us DURING the first bite of the banana? In all seriousness, though. Nice setup. If PS4 wasn't so close to launch I'd look into those PS3 analog sticks, too.
Yeah I nearly didn't get them, but I figured what the hell. Glad I did, as I play BF3 or Last of Us pretty much nightly.
I'm jealous. Clean and simple, I like it.
You got the nice collection of games that got featured on Tabletop, a coincident ?
Got smallworld after seeing tabletop, got 7 Wonders before TableTop even existed. There's a lotta games not visible in the other shelves/drawers.
I digg the all white thing. Looks awesome!
Typical his&hers gaming setup. I'm surprised she's not holding a potato.
Does it get dusty sometimes? What's your method of cleaning and how often?
Heh, does get a bit dusty. I do a little round of cleanin' on Saturdays. Dust the surfaces, sweep/vacuum, and straighten up a bit. Small apartment so it only takes like 10-15 minutes.
Gonna need some pics of the bike bro, forget the gaming setup
Pretty much all my wifi/network devices have jurassic park related names.
Nashbar AL-1 I see. Looks nice!
Way to rub in your amazing apartment but you'r just tossing kerosene on a fire with a picture of youre cute girlfriend.
Hey, can you tell me where you got that desk?? I've been needing to buy one.
Your apartment looks like it could be in a catalogue complete with a model and everything
Those cables in the third picture could be so easily hidden!
Glorious. Great minimalism! Are you some sort of designer?
I got an architecture degree, but don't work in the field... that probably gets me the "some sort of" moniker. :D
Hehehe. When you said architecture degree I thought "How does someone without a job afford this?" ;) kiddin. great taste
Got a CS degree too. Gotta be employable after all :P