Computer Setup


I have no critiques. Looks nice and calm.
Wow. Beautiful and clean setup. Whatever you have holding up your ps3 and remote looks really cool too.
Thank you! Sure, I can post it there.
What is that mouse/keyboard thingy to the left of the keyboard?
This is probably a stupid question but curiosity has gotten the best of me. Have you ever tried using the 3D-mouse for gaming? If so what game(s) did it work "best" for? I'm sure it's not practical but I was hoping boredom got the better of you and you just had to see if it worked.
Yep! I have tried that and it works in most games that supports joysticks. Basically the 3D-mouse is a super sensitive joystick so flying game is very playable. I also tried a strategy game, I cant remember the name of it, but lets say it was RUSE. The mouse made it very easy to move the camera around the map, rotating and zooming on characters :)
What are your thoughts on the 3D mouse? Would it be useful in After Effects or do you have to get to a C4D/Maya style application before it really becomes useful?
Yeah I don't use the mouse in any other software than 3D-software. there is no point using it in AE in my opinion.
Gorgeous, simple space. Love it.
I love your bookshelves, especially the top down lighting. Are they homenade? If not where could I find them. Beautiful setup! Also what tablet is that on your coffee table?
Thank you! The lights are from Ikea and the tablet is the first generation Samsung galaxy tab.
You placed everything in the right place!
What's on the TV screen?
I'd love to know where you got that painting above your TV from.
A friend of mine painted it for me :)
Inlove. this is my fav.. omg i have a sexyroomboner..
I'm comparing your room to my apartment and I realize I need to do some work around here. I live in a studio a little bigger than your room but it looks like shit compared to how cool yours is. How do you learn how to put a room together? I have to admit I'm a single guy with almost no taste for something like decorating. My apartment looks like a military outpost. I can't tell what I need to do to make this place look better. Is there a website or something where I can learn?
Thank you. The best way to learn is to look at sites like this. But I don't think it's that difficult do design your room. I always think, does the object look good there? yes? well, keep it then. If it doesn't look good, move it. Don't blatantly copy other, find your own taste and go with it. I have received a lot of comments from my friends that my computer speakers look like shit. But I like them so I'm going to keep them. It's my taste, I live here, I like them. That's design! :)
Wow, great use of space, well done!

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