Computer Setup


Obviously never gets any girls in his room.
I'm in a relationship :/
Then you probably are too.
No, i'm not fat and neither is she. Now, read the coolcomputersetups rules. This is just for gaming setups, not trying to be dicks to people.
Motherboard : Gigabyte 990FXA-UD7. Graphics Card : Nvidia Geforce GTX 680. CPU : AMD Fx-9350 Eight-Core [8 CPUs] 4.0 ghz. Ram : 32gb Corsair Vengance [16 usable]
I'd say that case is pretty fancy..
Station looks great, how do you like that headset? im thinking of getting it for FPS gaming, any opinion on that?
The headset is SUPER comfortable. It's lightweight, great sound. It's not incredibly heavy on the bass, but it definitely gets the job done!

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