I feel like the subject was photography, not the workstation.
That's what I was most curious on. Plus the I/O shield placement on the back. very curious
I'd post some pictures of the inside soon.
The paint job on the case looks fantastic.
Thanks! I choose a mat finish, i think it fits!
I've still got one of these Power Macs around that I use when I want to drop into Mac OS 9, I'm thinking she might be due for a paint job. That looks super clean.
I don't think it really counts as a hackintosh if it's running Windows. It's just a Windows computer in a Mac-shaped box.
Might be running dual OS. I'm writing from my hackintosh from windows right now, but can boot up in OS X anytime.
Hi, i am dualbooting, but Haswell system arent supported yet, but when the kernal extensions come out, i have OS X Mavericks on my HDD, for now the SSD contains Windows 7 Professional.
Gotcha, I am also looking forward to it. Going to build another Hack system when it's supported.
Image 4 has the OS X Dock on screen!
He is dual-booting!
Image 5 has the same dock and a recycle bin in the top-left corner. It's Windows running a dock-style taskbar replacement program.
Ahh well nvm then.
Still technically a hackintosh if you ask me. It's just a Hardware hack not a software hack.
How is it a hardware hack?
I was thinking that ... Its not a hackintosh at all really, infact it seems a bit pointless
The case looks really nice though, even if it isn't a real hackintosh.
The case looks nice, even if it doesn't make much sense! :P
How is it pointless to use Windows? You're the reason most people don't like Mac users
Pointless to use the mac case i meant, not pointless to use windows. I really don't think im the reason people hate mac, i hate mac lol.
Ah, alright then. Still, unnecessary? Maybe. Pointless? Not if he likes the design
Yeah, maybe unnecessary would have been a better choice of word.
I always did like those old G4 towers. I have a quicksilver G4 at home that still works great, but has vastly outlived it's usefulness :/
Restore its functionality with an intel upgrade! The quicksilvers were always the best looking PCs of their time, and still look futuristic. The G4 processor doesn't have much life left in it, why not turn that case into a hobby? You'll have more work cut out for you than the standard sawtooth G4 case though; quicksilvers had a similar footprint but the internals are all jumbled up
I might! It shouldn't be hard to fit a mini ITX system in there...
Go for it! Mine is an ITX based Haswell system, and it fits perfect! Oh, and when choosing a PSU, the Corsair CX series, fits the G4's almost stock ;)
OP, what OS are you running? I built a TonyMacX86 computer to the T and have never been able to get Mountain Lion (i've tried Snow Leopard too) to install on it, always fails. Did u have any issues?
... he's using Windows, not OSX. You can see the Recycle Bin icon at the top-left corner of the screen. There's no top "menu bar/whatchamacallit". Also, the Core Temp program cleary shows a Windows theme, most likely Vista Win7.
Vista and 7 have the same theme if you disable Aero.
That makes more sense. Who on their right mind would install the wretched Vista ...
I have recently been toying with it, and get pretty far (I didn't even buy hardware specifically for it, just read a lot and got kind of lucky with my existing hardware). Have you tried using the x86 community hacks? TonyMac isn't the only game in town.
I recommend the Tonymacx86 site, i havent tried Kakewalk yet though...
Im running Windows 7 Professional. But soon, it will be dualbooted with OS X Mavericks. But for now Haswell is not fully supported.
Is the paint plasti-dip? And what was the total cost of the build?
Total cost for now is around 4.700 DKK, or around 850 UD Dollars. The paint is powdercoated mat.
I'm wishing I had thought to paint my old G4PC case rather than leave it plain old graphite - yours looks spectacular.
Hi, i drilled out the cd/floppy drive cage so the only thing standard on the inside is the holder for the PSU.
I appreciate seeing non-k skus and h87 motherboards being used, helps break the curve.
Agree, i do not need the K, and for now, the H87N Wifi performs great! The build in wifi/bluetooth is standing its test so far!
Any reason why you're not using a mac? Price? Prefer windows, but want the look/feel of osx?
Not sure why you're getting downvoted - the overhead of running a custom taskbar and other graphical elements on the windows desktop probably hits your GPU significantly if you don't have a dedicated one. Why not just use the real thing?
Hey, as you can see, i got a 2012 Macbook Pro 13" i5 2.5 Ghz, and it is used for all my schoolwork. The G4 is mainly used in Windows for Autodesk 3D Studio Max, Photoshop and Illustrator. But i do agree, the feel of OS X is just uncompareable.
I love this. Moar pics!!!
Moar pics will come when i get around to upgrading this baby ;)
Haha, Portal is without a doubt my favorite game. I am thinking of a blue/orange G5 mod later, what do you think?
Impressive. It's not easy to convert one of those towers to work with a standard board. Nice job and I like the paint.
Thanks, actually, the ITX conversion was pretty straight forward, but without my modular PSU, things would have gone messy!
Nice stuff, I'm thinking of changing my PC into a Hackintosh, would you say it's worth it?
Its worth it! Go for it, and let me know how it went!
Really cool OP. I like the case a lot and if I ever make a hackintosh I will want to get that.
Good guy OP :) I'll look into it! thanks
A 750 watt power supply for an integrated graphics system? WAY over the top. You'd only need a 350w for what you have there.
I know, but in around a month or so, i will add another SSD aswell as well as a GTX 660 ti from ASUS ;)
Always thought of buying a Mac case online for a build. I'm not a fan of the software, but the hardware is pretty as can be
I agree, the G5 is my favorite, but when i got this G4 for free, i could not resist!
Hey Guys, this is a Haswell system, so for now im running Windows 7 Professional. The dock tweak is called RocketDock, and i modded in using my own iconpack. I could dualboot it into OS 10.9 Mavericks, but my Intel HD4600 is not fully supported yet.I will do more pictures and a more detailed discription whenever i can fully Hackintosh it.
Running Windows in a mac case with a mighty mouse and keyboard != hackintosh.
Haha, soon it will be dualbooted with Mavericks!
I'd be scared to push a 3570K in that case though, unless you did some modification to allow a lot more airflow. The case was designed to be very quiet but the G4 didn't have the cooling needs an overclocked Ivy Bridge will.