Computer Setup


Jesus christ you're a god.
Is that a good thing?
Do you have a link to the wallpaper by any chance?
Feels like the everyone on this sub is using that wallpaper. (Including me) ^
By any chance do you play osu?
What size tablet is that? Looking for something around that size.
It's a Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch M
How do you find the case? I'm planning on getting a 350D myself.
I like it a lot. There is plenty of space for everything
Nom nom, 350D... If I didn't have an R4, I'd snap one up.
Sell the R4 on Ebay, then buy a 350D. You won't regret it :P
I have the same wallpaper!
Might i ask why your mouse pad is upside-down?
Haha sorry, it just erks me. I have the same one
I LOVE that case! I have a very similar computer (3770k, gtx 780) but it's in a CM elite 430. This may have inspired me to switch cases. Lol.
The 350D don't support ATX motherboards, you should take a look at the 650D. I also have an external harddrive with 3TB.
This might be a noob question, but what the fucks with the mouse? the thing looks uncomfy as all hell.
I have the white version, it's actually really comfortable, it's just the design is.. unique.
Its super customizable and its actually really comfortable

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