Computer Setup


I'll take things I can't afford for 400.
It looks like the standard ergonomic chair you can find at walmart/target/staples. I think it costs right around $100.
Easy to afford if you still live with your parents and pay no rent ;)
That bed/sofa is something I'm looking to do with my room. Can I ask where you got them or have a link?
Sofa looks like it might be a futon
I think you can even sit on it
Or if you're feeling risky, lay on it.
Dude, no. thats just crazy talk
I got the same one at Walmart for $100
Yeah, the futon is from Walmart. the rest of the furniture is from Ikea.
I have the same futon, although your mattress looks much more comfortable. Is that a different mattress?
Most be a pain to get up in the morning
This is a negative place. Cool room, mind posting specs?
Those are some very nice movie posters.
How did you get such a good shot through a porthole? Mine always come out blurry and I wind up getting my camera wet...
Easy on the wide angle champ.
Listen to this high school kid calling people "son"
Pretty sure he was mostly just messing with you. A little lighthearted comment every now and then isn't a big deal, and if you had a healthy sense of humor, you'd have probably gotten a laugh out of it in spite of yourself, because he really is right. Just a little LPT for ya.
Easy on the condescension, good fellow.
I don't understand the fish eye hate. I thought it was necessary to capture everything in a room that size.
Depending on your camera, you could get by without using a fisheye...but fisheye! I can't believe how many people are angry over someone using a fisheye to capture their set up, heh.
That's what I was thinking. Also, I've seen a lot of people using them on here.
You could take panorama pics too. That's what I always do when taking pictures of big rooms. The fisheye lens is pretty cool though.
If your friends jump off a cliff with out a parachute will you do it too? Fish eye was never cool; its pushed by teenagers who think they know everything about photography and won't let it die. It's like google pushing google+.
Everything is better...through a MOTHUFUCKIN FISHEYE LENS!
It does look pretty bright in the photo, but it's not that bright...
I wish my room had so much natural light. I have a west facing window with a tree in front of it :(
I have one regular size window and a balcony door on the south side. I barely get any light exceptnin the mornings.
Didn't you see the folds in the first picture?
I really like your bedroom! :D
Man, now I'm disappointed that you were just playing camera tricks and HAL isn't actually built into your room watching you.
Your couch/bed setup gave me a great idea, thanks!
The best object in the room is "clash of kings" :) but the rest looks good too
Just roll off your bed and onto your couch to play some xbox or watch TV, nice. Real simple and clean.
Nice room! I really like your layout, especially the couch.
Love the posters you have on the walls. :)
I like the copy of A Clash of Kings on your bedstand.
I like the book too
I have that Star Wars poster! Well, I have a painted-wood one. Fantastic piece!
Nice set up! I have that same computer case too, it's one of my favorites I've ever owned.
Lots of space to fap.
Is it just me or are the pictures warped? Huge FOV?
Looks pretty bad, tbh. Must be that it is so damn curved?
Its a certain style of photography and is really popular in nightlife photography and in other instances where you want to show large portions of something but don't have enough room to do so.
What chair is that please?
What are you using to hold the headphones?
It's part of the chassis. I was originally going to get this case and decided on another one. It's a great feature I and I wish more chassis had them :c
Happen to have a link for your desk? Looks like it would fit my needs as I'm in the market for one at the moment. Thanks!
Ikea Gallant if I'm not mistaken.
Ikea. everyone and their momz got one
Subwoofer not under desk? Aside from that, really nice setup.
Whose house is this? Sweet setup anyways.
Not a normal question in this sub but what bed is that? It looks really nice and could fit my needs very well.
Do you mind having a fouton? I'm tired of console gaming on my bed, but everyone tells me that futon's are horrible.
I liked the setup. Where'd you get the comforter..... is my question...
Solid set up. Lol @ showing off the Samsung Smart TV interface. That thing sucks (and I say that as a Samsung Smart TV owner)
Actually I usually just have it up because I use it a lot. I know some people dislike it, but I do...
I think you are sitting way too close to that TV. Otherwise, I like it.
Poster frames, I've been searching around for a cheap solution to hang all my damn posters.. Where did you buy them?
Nice setup Btw. Not sure why you're getting all this damn flak though. People be jelly or salty.
What kind of chair is that?
I have the same rig, chair and mat and I have the keyboard below yours ( I think, the G510)
Awesome dude! I love it
I envy you. Your furniture makes this room awesome
Very nice. I regard Star Trek fanboyism highly. I no longer do the TV in the bedroom thing, but like the way yours is executed. I play enough on my computer in there.
Very nice! Great use of space.
The Next-Gen Enterprise framed poster is killer!
Oh my, I had that EXACT sofa when I was a kid! It can be turned in to a bed yes? Played alot of videogames on that sofa, until it broke :(
I'll bet 5 credit points that you still live with your parents
What kind of bed is that? Ikea Malm?
Fisheye is exactly what I would have done for that size of room, ignore the tossers. Awesome setup, it's the kind of thing I'm going to do when I finish Uni.
I'd say nice man cave, but this room is way too open and pleasant to be a cave.
Looks nice! My gf has that tv and I have a major Pro tip: Get PLEX media server going on your pc and on the samsung smart tv. Best way to watch downloaded shows on a remote LAN TV. samsung allshare is what they want you to use but you will see why plex is 10x better.
I like the space odyssey poster!
I just thought you'd like to know that after seeing this, I have spent the last 12 hours re arranging my whole room to a somewhat similar setup.
Great space! What are your pc specs?
Is there a section where people post pictures of their houses/rooms or whatever? This shit is interesting.
Mount the TV and put the components in the closet.
Tone it down on that fish eye lens. other than that i do enjoy the cleanliness in that room.
I think that you should not used fisheye
I know this is about the gaming setup, which is great, but if you're at all interested in getting laid, I suggest having a bed that you can get to at least two sides of.
This is one of the dumbest things I have ever read....
My girlfriend likes my room... :/
Dont know why your getting hate about the fish eye and bed... I can tell you used the fish eye so we can see your room better and your bed looks awesome! People are jerks for no reason sometimes on coolcomputersetups.
Yeah... I tried using my macro lens but I was barely able to capture anything. Also thanks dude :D
Fuck on the floor or in the kitchen. Beds are comfy, but kitchen fucking is adventurous.
Where'd you get the bed from?
That is a really nice looking bed! I may have to pick one up for myself. Ive always used just the frame setup...
It's like two years old I think
Bachelors dream and perfect setup sir.

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