Computer Setup


HOW DO YOU HAVE A GTX 660 RUNNING ON A 300W PSU??? what sorcery is this?
630* my next upgrade is gonna be a 450 psu
Looks like a GT 630 as well, since it appears to be low profile.
Don't feel bad. you have a much cooler setup than I did at 15. I was running a 667 Celeron with 512 MB of RAM.
But for all we know that was an amazing setup when you were 15...
I was 15 in 2007. :P
I just turned 16 and the only reason my computer looks half way decent is because my uncle upgrades his components a lot and was nice enough to give me his hand-me-downs. My computer will be getting upgraded a lot once I get a job, but for now, it must wait...
Any suggestions for upgrades? im fine with hd memory and graphics.
That CPU fan is slanted O_o

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