Computer Setup


My, Lord. I love this. Sad to think that your workstation PC is more powerful than my main gaming one. ಠ_ಠ
Nice and clean. 360 rad up top? Can't tell.
Yep, 360mm Rad at the top.
Hardware Labs Black Ice GT Stealth
Do you happen to have a link to that wallpaper?
What kind of GPU temps are you getting running games? I have a 2600k and 2x570s in my loop with a 320 rad and my GPUs top out around 40-41 running games.
Right now, temps under load are around mid/high 40, low 50s. Not sure what my ambient temps are, but idle they sit around 23-24C.
Do you have them OCed?
Right now, I do not, I'm still making sure everything is ok from the installation and putting the cards through their everyday paces to make sure everything is ok. Once that is done I will OC them to get a bit more performance out of them. I have plenty of room to do so.
Hmm. I was expecting the temps to be lower. Do 7xx series cards run hotter?
I really wish I had the money to afford even a single 780 let alone 2 that are customized for water cooling :P
What is the rainbow thing attached to the underside of the desk?
It is an led accent light controller i think that model is sold in ikea.
Your loop would look much better if you went:
What type of screens are those?
Hey a fellow R.A.T. bro, which model is that?
R.A.T. 7, would buy another one in a minute.
I heard mixed reviews from it. Such as only last a few months and has bad detection. Is it really any good?
I have heard the same reviews, the one I have has lasted me 3-4 years so far. Have not had any major issues to report. I guess I got lucky.
Same here, had mine for about a year and I love it lol
Dude I have the same one, I wish they would make some new models they are just too cool.
Im thinking of getting the M.M.O version, I recommended it to a friend and he loves that thing!
Case and Monitor models? Looking for something awesome like that!
Can you please tell me what case this is, It is exactly what i am looking for
What's that thing in your second 5.25 inch bay?
I've seen reviews on that one and it seems most think it is terrible and only looks good. True?
I don't own this product.
Nice keyboard! I love mine :D
Headphones are Plantronics Gamecom 780s, great headphones.
What keyboard is this exactly?
Looks like a corsair k95 to me
Kudos on buying from FrozenCPU, I live about five minutes from their storefront/warehouse and honestly they have the best customer service I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
Iv'e been looking for a monitor stand like that. Mind telling me where you got it?
Bezel compensation dude! That last pic really grinds my gears.
I have the same motherboard, and if i were you id remove the fans on them. it doesn't get overheated and they sound loud as fuck even if they are that small.
Fantastic set-up, the tubing in the gaming rig is sweet.
Where did you get those novelty street signs on your wall from?
As someone who also has dual 780's cooled with XSPC blocks and an IKEA Dioder setup running three screens I approve.

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