Some would say it's a series of tubes, still very clean.
Very interested in that custom mount and frame you've set up in your computer setup. Mind giving up the dirty details on that?
Yeah! The PVC is 2 inch Electrical conduit for about $5 for a 10 ft. length. This took about 2-3 lengths, don't remember offhand.
What kind of mounting hardware do you use?
Looks cool! going to do something with the pipes? paint em or putting some sort of material on them
I am, but I am not sure if I should paint it black or change to a Super Mario theme :D.
Say fuck it do Mario theme. Very rare youll get that chance again. Worse case if it doesn't look good you can paint black over it.
It must be done! Once I get that done I'll post the results.
I love that Nostromo. People give it a bad rap but it's just so comfortable to use I rarely use my keyboard for gaming anymore.
Its a solid piece of hardware, I love it! I used it a lot for Diablo 3, GW and SWOTOR and it really helps having the button placement in the right place. That little button above my joystick has saved me from dying too many times in Diablo. :D
Jeepos! That's a big computer setup! Or is it a little banana? Can you use a cat for scale?
Actually its a giant banana, at least a foot.
I hope you're still talking banana and not "banana" ;)
For blending the hardware I recommend an outdoor metal enamel. You can get matte black or high gloss and get a real nice looking setup for relatively low additional cost.
Either that or green Mario bros. Theme. Well see!
I don't think the banana is just for size, with all the bananas floating around on coolcomputersetups.