Computer Setup


So basically, you went to steal some consoles from a store, and instead of trying to work out how to get the consoles out of the display, you took the whole display? :P
Would take a while since these things weigh so much...But I bought them from a local gamestore, currently looking for more game kiosk. I did find a N64 kiosk but someone beat me to it.
Do the shops just give them to you? Or do you buy it off them?
Sorry, my bad. Been a long day.
What do you mean upgrade?
Absolutely they do. HDTV's have to convert the signal before they can show it on the screen which adds slight lag (horrible for fighting/FPS games), and also not to mention it looks stretched. And really, it just doesn't feel right.
Indeed, no smasher would play on a HDTV, it just doesn't work.
Well it is a bigger picture.
That's the thing, you're playing them on the last gen console, which already outputs the signal correctly for an HDTV, at a resolution that wouldn't look stretched. going straight from an older console, which many people like more than emulating it on a new console or PC.
You mean LCD. All TV's available currently, other than OLED, are LCDs with either LED or CCFL backlighting.
Glad we got that sorted out
Timesplitters! You are my hero
I know a place selling an Xbox 360 one for $150
I hope to some day be as cool as you.
I'm cool! I'm going to call my mom!
Ahh, you must be homesick.
I get this reference, and it is awesome. Fuzzy Pickles awesome.
This is a crazy good looking setup, but I gotta ask, why the console cabinets? It has to be inconvenient (not to mention uncomfortable) to stand and play with a fixed controller.
I'm a collector...really I got them because I could. I'm adding in an arcade cabinet later.
Okay makes sense, I really want an arcade cabinet myself. Do you have the keys and whatnot so you can change the games out of the consoles, or are they just in a demo mode?
Yup can switch everything out.
They're actually huge investments. If you look online to the prices that manufacturers bought them to put in the store vs. what collectors have paid, it's astounding.
You talking about a M.A.M.E machine (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)? Those are great to build and fun to play on! Or just use a PC and buy an arcade controller :P
Then build a cabinet, put the PC in and a screen and the arcade controller.
Buying something for cheaper than somebody else doesn't make it an investment. Most people don't buy these to flip. From what I know, they aren't going up in value.
Tell me how you pulled this off please...
Become a gamecollector, start knowing the people who own local shops, frequent thrift shops,good wills,garage sales, and craigslist/kijiji!
Don't forget money, have lots of it.
Do you mind if I ask how much?
Wish we had local game shops down in Southern California.
Doesnt ship to me but heres one on ebay that seems to of gone unnoticed. 190$ gameboy color
How much did you pay for them?
700$ for the xbox and gamecube ones together, and got the ps2 one for my birthday.
Can we do that, just ask for console displays for our birthdays? I never knew this was an option.
What! That's cheap. Where do you get those? The only local game store I have is gamestop
Well there are a lot of local game shops just check around maybe ask a section of where you live?
You had me at timesplitters...
+100000 For Timesplitters, that game was my part of my childhood
The thing I enjoyed most about this post was seeing timesplitters in the PS2 game kiosk
Cool setup but I think you're outgrowing that room.
Nope it's just the corner of the basement.
What case do you have there?
It's a great case. I love mine.
Ya I got the black and green one. They are awesome!
Aw sweet, you have the full tower. I have the 410, I love it.
Where is the third computer monitor?
Seems like your room might get really hot
I'm actually in a basement in and it gets pretty cold down here there's a heater under my desk.
I've been looking at the same case, just with Orange highlights. Would you recommend it?
Yes, I would. I got the red 410. :)
I love mine, be sure to get some dust filters from DMCF
I had that desk! Think it was an Argos jobby. Build quality wasn't up to much, but it was cheap. Nice console units!
I don't understand what you spend your money on..
Commenting so I can find this later. Love the cabinets.
Don't you get tired playing constantly standing at these kiosks?
Holy crap, I'm loving those console booths!! Especially the Game Cube one :)
This really sick bro, lovin the Nostalgic GAmecube, PS2 and xbox kiosks :D
I have the same desk as you...
Well sure maybe later. I wouldn't want to post again with basically the same thing, I want to upgrade more before I show it off. currently it has
Wow Timesplitters was an excellent game. Highly underrated
Budokai 3 was so good... Why did they fuck it up again so hard after that one =/....
What are the specs of your rig if I may ask? Really awesome setup you have there.
Part of me loves this setup, but another part of me wants to say F#*K you I'm jealous.
First thing I thought was, "I wonder how much his electricity bill is?"
Now you just need a camera display counter like in Walmart so you don't have to take photos with a potato.
You have the same computer case as me op
No desire for retail store displays in my home... do you actually enjoy standing there playing your game on the most pathetic screen available at the time?
He stated earlier that he was a game collector as well.
I just don't get why you have them, just buy a crt and hook them all up, I mean you'd have to stand whilst gaming.
It's for display man. Kind of like a cool ode to that console generation.

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