Computer Setup


What's up with the wafer on the wall?
Silicon wafer I grabbed from AMD when I worked there. Just thought it was cool, and it reflects the LEDs from the PC fan.
Is it a whole bad wafer? I don't see any black dots indicating test fails.
Very hard to see from these pics, but there are two small ones, one on the bottom left, one on the top right.
Ouch. Sucks to lose a whole wafer like that (though it's nice to be able to take it home).
Yeah, they're really minor, but I guess it affects the whole wafer. There were others that were worse. I wish I knew what series it was from and I want to get a little frame for it rather than just sticking it to the wall.
You could do a visual inspection with a lighted jewelers loupe and then compare to AMD chip pictures on wikipedia or elsewhere on the web.
Can you still purchase that case? I remember seeing it a while ago, but I wouldn't know where to start looking for it. New setup by the way.
I haven't seen any in stores in a while. This one was actually the display model and the last one in the store, so it was pretty worn. I took it apart, cleaned and painted it and it looks like new!
Darn, that's too bad for me. Thank you for the quick response though.

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