Computer Setup


Your son is a hell of a drinker.
Came in here to say this :D
Realise: Your thoughts are rarely unique.
How long did it take him to get through those bottles?
Raised around beer and cars.
Look out the window..... Mustang!
Keep that social security card safe!
OP is a cool as fuck dad. Keep up the great work.
I saw those speakers at a local shop and wondered how they were, care to tell?
I have/had the same set.
My first notice as well
Looks like he purchased the family reunion pack.
Yeah I was going to say bookmark for the prickly pear.
I love the 20" 4:3. I wish they would update them with LEDs and USB3.
Its probably not a 4:3 but rather a 5:4 something like 1280 x 1024 resolution
I have already decided that my kids and I will have dual gaming setups.
I think your son might be an alcoholic.
Fellow Marylander? I can tell by the license plate and I spot a flying dog on your shelf.
Isn't it my son and me?
The problem is that the whole title is a sentence fragment. If you fill in the missing words, the answer becomes clear:
"Me and my son at our Santa tracking gaming setups" sounds better to me for some reason, even though both forms are correct. Why? WHY?
"My son and I" seems correct. The "I" pronoun is used when you are the subject. The "me" pronoun is used when you're the object of the action.
Hm, I've not ever actually heard it explained that way before and now I'm not sure which is correct, haha.
In this instance "my son and me" is the object of the action, the action being "at" the gaming setup.
I think I had the exact same model of that '56 Chevy Corvette there. I like your style. ;)
I think he's missing the Shiner Cheer...
Well Hello there fellow Texan.
I don't think the car has Texas tags. No star in the corner.
There are several variations of the Texas plate. Mine is white with black lettering, what tipped me off is a lot of those beers on the mantle are Shiner signature and are only available in Texas.
Looks like you've got some catching up to do, your son is drinking you under the table.
I have that same Shelby Cobra.
Dat '04 cobra with a social security card in it
Is that an SN-95 Mustang in the driveway?
Nice mustang behind the window!
Hmm...I got those same speakers and monitor
Santa's Sleigh was shot down over the Sea of Japan, it spun in. There were no survivors.
I wish my dad was as cool as you. :( OP, adopt me please?
I want in on this.
Why lie to your kids about Santa?
It's fun to lie? Is it fun to be lied to?
Believing in Santa as a kid is fun. One thing it's nothing significant, but it gives the holiday some magic. Memories of telling everyone to go to bed so that Santa could come are precious to me, I'd never deprive my child of that.

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