That is however the saddest keyboard I've ever seen anyone try to game with. I have it, and I can only stand to use it as a glorified VLC pause button.
I also have the K400, but it's not THAT bad. It's great to use as a HTPC keyboard. Like surfing the web from the couch or selecting a music playlist. But I would never attempt to game on it.
Yea it's fine for general use... I'm a programmer and spend 10+ hours on a computer every day, and I'm very conscious about keyboard quality, and this thing is terrible :)
Kind of unrelated personal question, what kind of programmer are you? (just wondering)
You can just Google my Github account ;)
Didn't you make MW2CU and MW3CU? If so, then thanks for those programs. I've used them plenty of times.
Hah, yea... That was so long ago... I don't make desktop applications anymore though.
Oh I agree. I get finger pains after 5 minutes. I'm spoiled by my Ducky, with browns!
I currently use Logitechs stomps that pos to pieces.
Yea, I haven't gotten a decent wireless gaming keyboard yet. I've got a couple wired Razers but don't wanna be tied down. :) This one is the the shittiest thing ever. Although having the built in trackpad is handy.
It's not shitty if you use it for what it is made for. I got the same keyboard and use it to browse coolcomputersetups / YT etc from my couch. It's ideal for that.
Sad cat is sad because you didn't buy him his boat.
I have no idea what this means...
Annnndddddd I just noticed the cat in the doorway.
Nah, he's patiently awaiting his first Twister challenger of the new year
It's a Vizio LED. I've owned 3 Vizios and I recommend them to everyone. They are great for gaming and aren't too expensive.
That looks baller. Is there any input delay or anything?
No delays at all. You have to put the tv into "game mode" tho.
That's cool. Are there any downsides to using game mode? Color issues or whatever?
Game modes on TVs just turn off most of the post-processing like any motion blur or anti-aliasing that it might potentially add to a Cinema mode. While your PC video card can handle any of this processing before the monitor, Blu-Ray players and cable boxes may not have those kind of components.
Thanks for the explanation :)
Curious. How does a tv add anti-aliasing to an image exactly?
Not that I know of. It turns off some enhancements, but nothing I notice.
Reminds me of when I bought my first big screen TV. I bought a 60" plasma, quality was through the roof, but there was such terrible lag playing anything other than movies; cold hardly stand it. Didn't want to return it, and some reason at the time I didn't look up the problem, so I got used to it. Many, many hours of Halo 4 online and campaigns with a 25ms delay that I got used to play with. Then, one day, a buddy came over and said "Dude, why do you play like that? Just switch your TV to Game Mode".
I won a 46 inch at my company's Christmas party last year. I've never looked back.
That's a pretty sweet prize.
Me and my friend both have that same keyboard/trackpad! Isn't it a life saver!! And only like 25$!
Yea definitely worth the price
I honestly can't stand playing games on a big tv. It completely messes up the mouse sensitivity. I guess I could probably get used to it though.
See other comment relating to enabling "game mode" on a TV.
I'm more impressed that you actually got into a multiplayer game in BF4.