Computer Setup


But he didn't ask for this...
You should be able to rotate that hard drive so that the cables come out the back. This way you could hide those cables and it look even cleaner.
I had no idea. Thanks.
Is that a Bionicle I see? :D
Looks great, like your game collection! ;D
What a great wallpaper you have there.
He's gonna kill your flowers blowing his cigarette smoke all over them.
If you're going to have a nice rig like that, get yourself some better cooling for your CPU. That stock heatsink is pretty mediocre.
How do you like those headphones? Razer Kraken right?
They're quite good. Very comfortable, and Razor Surround is nice.
Better then the characighisahshasasasasas? (spelling?)
Needs some work on cable management (flip hard drives around so cables out the back, pull other cables into side panel) But otherwise looks great!
Coolermaster Quick fire Ultimate with Cherry MX Blue switches.
I just ordered mine this week. How do you like it? I wanted to get the TK mid size one, but they seem to be sold out everywhere (with the blue switches anyway). The Ultimate seems to be the same keyboard, but full size.

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