Computer Setup


Ever growing gaming setup on a budget...buys 3 42" tv's.
I was thinking the same thing ... Why do people even say budget in their title when they have a triple monitor set up...
I guess everyone has their own 'budget' :p
I started with one, then got a second... and two wasn't quite enough with the bezel right in the middle of my vision, so I got a third :P They're 40" tv's, I make sure I buy them only when they're on sale. They were $269 on boxing day.
269, whaaaat? where'd you get them from?
I got mine at Walmart. Though Bestbuy, and Futureshop have cheap 40" tv's too.
Warthunder!!! I just got this game and I love it.
I have a strong urge to buy you a desk. Or to go tidy something.
Lol.. Some day I'll get a nice one... some day. I didn't have an extra table, so I used a cardboard box for a monitor stand...
How do you make all three screens show one image?
I use eyefinity on my AMD cards, Nvidia has something similar too. Then plug all your monitors into the one videocard. I usually run games at 5760X1080 resolution.
That makes sense, thanks :)
Is there any hassle about trimonitor gaming? Or do you just boot up a game and set it to run that way?
It works really great. Once plugged in, just a quick setup wizard and then its good to go.
Man, my second monitor has off-color and it bothers the hell out of me when I'm actually paying attention. How about you?
I did a lot of tweaking in the ATI catalyst. It is tough to get the colours to match perfectly though, even now... it's not ideal on one of the screens... close but not perfect.
I've just accepted that my same-model screens have different panels, because I can't get them to match for the life of me
NICE! What game are you playing?
That's War Thunder a free to play game on steam.
Warthunder, it's quite fun! Its free to play too
Oh wow, I was tabbed out of War thunder in que when I saw the last image. Haha
Hey whats the name of that keyboard you use?

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