Computer Setup


The kid is 17, how mature do you want OP to be?
RAID 0 isn't even RAID, what's good with it? Should have been called 0-RAID.
Wow really impressive u are a very 17 year old !!!
The only thing I'm getting out of this, is you must be spoiled as hell. But, spoiled or not, nice build!
I read the title as My 17 year old gaming setup...
Oh, my grammar isn't topnotch...
2x BenQ GL2450HM with monitorstand. Will buy 2x NEC 2560 X 1400 27" soon as I will get back to work.
Shiiiit that's a clean setup. Got a picture of the inside of your case aswell? I'd love to see it.
Thank you, will do later for sure! I am sure there is a picture laying around with some decent quality on my computer.
Judging by your comments, you're a spoiled piece of shit.
Nice and really clean but also functional.
Well, just saving really and dealing. Selling VPNs and server-storage. Selling booters etc.
Full screen skype seems like a huge waste of space. Nice setup though, wish I had that at 17.
I ain't really using it for skype, most for HTML, Apache, h5ai etc.
You code on that portrait mode screen?
Yes I do indeed, wouldn't really use portrait otherwhise then mate.
Ah k, what language do you program in? some friends of my use it for the purpose of browsing coolcomputersetups
HTML mainly. Also working on Apache-coding and h5ai. Aswell some PHP and Java.
I don't get how your age has anything to do with your gaming setup...
No, I'm sorry. Does it have a point?
He wants you to be jealous of the rig mom and dad bought.
I bought my first PC when I was 22 years old.
So did I then I decided to go to college to study IT. You're not alone :D
How old are you now then if I may ask?
So did you buy that with daddy's money? or mummy's?
Why not go 600ohm? That schitt can handle it.. 600 ohm 990's is on another level.
I am thinking about HD800s soon, we'll see.
What the fuck how does a 17 year old have this much disposable income
People have these things called parents. For a 17 year old, every but of income is disposable, plus Christmas and birthday presents.
Not that I'm defending the OP, cause he's a total douchewad, but I got a job at 16, and now at the age of 18 I work in an office that pays me 9 USD an hour. It's entirely plausible for a 17 year old to pay for this himself.
Yeah, I'm 20, I havent' had a constant source of income since leaving school while studying. But I get a job, $18-$25 AUD an hour, once I get 2-3k I think about upgrading computer. Last spend was about $800 on case, mobo and cpu.
When you're 17 all your income is disposable
Why the hell do people feel the need to include their age in their posts?
Love the vertical monitor, you are doing better than me and I'm 22 years old! =P
Could I have a link to the background that you are using? It looks great.
Sure mate, it's really a Ubuntu defualt wallpaper.
And by Ubuntu he means Amazon-branded babby GNU/Linux.
Nice! I have a schiit magni , how does the setup sound?
Love the set up! How do you like your desk?
Galant is topnotch from Ikea. 10 years warranty etc.
Love the audio set up.
Love the first picture. Looks really cozy :)
Yes, bought it from a overclocker here. It's a golden chip, so it's pretty sweet.
What's the Vcore/VCCSA/VTT CPU volts at that clock and are you doing it via BCLK straps, multi or a combo of both?
Why are you getting down voted? Someone's jealous that you can get 5.1 I guesd
It's simple, some people can't handle stuff & this is usually a toxic community-part of Coolcomputersetups. We'll I am happy with my setup tho, besides of RAID 0. ;)
Thank you for confirming my theory with the votes lol
May I ask how like the beyerdynamics?
Beyerdynamics are amazing. I have these but mine are the 80Ohm version. The best fitting and best sounding headphones I've ever used.
I love my DT770s. Ridiculously comfortable, sound great, not super expensive. They're go-to headphones because they are great for all kinds of music and have a fantastic soundstage for gaming, even though they are a closed headphone.
Since no one replied to your 2nd question, they're the Schiit Modi/Magni. Really awesome stuff. I got a pair myself after seeing them on a few other builds here. SUPER glad I did!
Thanks a lot. Is it 100$ for the 2? Those look great and affordable :D.
Well, DT 770 Pro is such a nice set. It's something that you'll like yourself. I also have HD650, but DT 770 Pro is almost the same, for a much lower price buddy.
Is that running Linux?
Using Windows 8.1 for benching.
How can you afford all of that stuff man? When I was 17 I was poor as hell! haha
Just saving really, that's it, and selling VPNs, booters and server-storage.
When did you start purchasing this stuff? Like how long did it take you to accumulate it all? Also, jesus christ you are knowledable as hell for someone who is only 17. I didn't know my ass from my elbow about computer hardware in general when I was 17.
No clue really, started with some hardware 3 years ago. I've had alot of hardware, but I've sold some if it etc. Just builed things up.
I'm going to guess Norway/Sweden/Denmark?
Yeah this isn't the first time that someone from around there has posted a gaming setup and had everyone scratching there heads as to how the fuck the person could afford it. Nice setup btw.
With higher wages comes higher prices and import rates, still no idea how he can afford it if he's 17, the equivalent of $35USD/hour is above average for a 17 year old, even for Scandinavia.
True. But when you are 17 and you have a house to live in (your parents) you can put your money toward pretty much whatever you like.
Very true especially if your parents don't make you pay any bills and buy you a car.
How do you like the air 540? im planning on ordering one this week
Sweet, having a custom loop inside and dual PSUs, great space. You should buy.
Some people say its to big, is it really as massive as some people make it out to be?
Imagine a wider mid tower for size. Was much bigger than I thought when it came in the post. Also the stock fans are pretty loud so personally I'd swap them out.
Not at all, it's pretty small but wide tho.
And what are you using to hold them up? Also do you use Hdmis on both?
Monitorstand. I do use HDMI on the one, and DVI on the other one.
Sorry for all the questions, but what monitor stand?
*Do you use hdmis on both of them? on mobile, sorry
Jealous fags are downvoting the shit out of this kid... is this not the kind of posts you like to see on this coolcomputersetups? Because this is how you lose coolcomputersetupsors.
As you are younger than me and you're setup is much better than mine u must hate you (only sarcasm pretty sweet rig man)
:( I want HD800!
Thats pretty high end computer specs to be powered by a 750W PSU. Have you ever had problems or do you not do extremely demanding tasks?
I was under the impression that he's running two 750W PSUs?
Oh I see now. Missed the "2x".
Only because I can, and if you see my answer above, you'll get the answer mate.
I am a hobbyoverclocker. This GPU can run 1.45V at 1600MHz, then only GPU is using somewhere like 540W. And my CPU is using 360W with my voltage. So therefore 2x PSUs Enermax Plat.
Why not a single high wattage PSU instead of 2 average sized PSU's?
Woah, I'm also 17 and IT-studying, and I have two monitors, one in landscape and one in portrait. My mousemat is a NiP one, though.

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