Computer Setup


Why does nobody keep the Original Nes Controller ports and convert it to USB in the system? Make it look 100% like a Nes from the front!
I see what you're saying, the only reason I went USB is for easy access for USBs since reaching around to the back could be difficult in a HTPC situation.
That makes sense too haha!
We need a better pic of the internal configuration.
Those console peasants will never suspect anything
The airflow in this seems pretty non-existent. What kind of temps are you getting?
I should have put a picture but what I did, I am embarrassed about. I put some really ugly looking vent holes in the side for cooling and added a 80mm intake fan. It hovers around 40c when idle and maxes under load at 70c which isn't the best but completely safe. I wanted to do a Mario mushroom but kind of panicked and make a circular blob of holes.
I've been wanting to do once of these for a long time, but haven't really had any justification... Partially because I don't own a TV.
I had to take the psu out of its case for it to fit without stretching the plastic casing around it but it has a light clear plastic casing still around it to protect any wires and stuff. The cut throughout the bottom ridge to fit the psu is exposed however I put electrical tape the it shows so as you can see from the under view it still looks good.I answered heat and temps above just now. I haven't tried any intense emulators (just nes and Snes and sega) but the integrated graphics are actually quite strong now days. The i3 should have the same graphics too. I went over kill with the cpu I would suggest going with an amd APU which will give a better performance for less. With the ssd and i5 this thing blazing fast and I am very impressed so far.
Thats the coolest thing I've seen in a while
I saw someone else make one and I had to do it and do it better!
Sexy. Side note I noticed the performance thingy in the control panel in your album and I frankly have never heard of that before. So I tried it and I was so dismayed to see that I didn't hit a perfect 10. But then I realized that 7.9 was the highest you can go so...yeah. Sweet.
If only the Steam boxes looked this great. Awesome job!

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