Why on EARTH are you watercooling an i3? They can't overclock and a good air cooler will be quieter than a water cooler.
Yes, the i3 is from an old build. I had an i7 but it spontaneously quit on me. I should be receiving my replacement fairly soon, but for now the i3 is just holding it's place.
Intel core i3 3220 processor
That's a very nice looking computer with the LED's and everything may I ask where you got the LED's
Got them at Staples. Just a USB LED strip. I think Antec makes them
I dont get why you are deciding to get another i7, yet you dont have a High or even medium end, GPU.
In my line of work I need more processing power, the games I play don't require high end gpu specs. this is my work/gaming build.
Is that a hand built desk?
Nope, its from ikea. Dont know if they make them anymore, but im pretty sure this was supposed to be a kitchen table. but the sticker says its from the Norden series
I wish I could order a desk from IKEA. The shipping for me is usually no less than $80