Computer Setup


Because cables randomly burst into flames right :P
Insurance adjuster here... No it isn't. Stupidity/ignorance is not an exclusion under an insurance policy. Please quit propagating this lie.
I'd put something between you and the computer, like box it in at least partially... All I can picture is crying myself to sleep after accidentally booting my computer trying to sit with one leg up.
Holy cleanliness does that look clean!
Awesome computer setup, could you share your wallpaper because it's sexy as f***
Show us the cable management then? :)
Not done yet, it's a bit of a hack job right now until I get some longer cables.
Where are the headphones/speakers and how do you plug in a USB device? :)
The only issue I see is that you may have cooling issues with no case to direct air flow. Generally when people mount components outside a case, they use liquid cooling because of the lack of air flow. Since you are using fans, you may want to build a housing for your components.
How is that GPU hanging there? Just pci-e slot holding it there? Great station :)
Looks very good.. Just wondering, how will you replace any component on your motherboard if you have to? Will you have to remove the whole table?
It looks like the motherboard is mounted on the underside of the tabletop, so OP has clear access to the components.
Okay this is so beautiful, can we have a look at how the old station looked? I'd love to see the huge transform.
God damnit colt, every time I see your 'station(especially the room shots, with the lighting) I get unbelievably jealous :c
It is a little to minimalistic. You forgot a chair
Looks amazing! What's the purple light though? Is it LED or some kind of blacklight?
Love that first shot - then was instantly mortified when I saw the cable spaghetti beneath it.
It seems like you'd eventually have cooling issues considering there doesn't seem to be any airflow.
Can you please take a picture of your LED setup the lights look nice
Did you somehow glue the entire pc to the underside of the desk? anyway i am not a hughe fan of wireless devices but in this case they are blending into the minimalistic desk space you've created. pink floyd is nice and everything but you should consider matching your wallpapers to the minimalism of your desk.
What are you talking about? It matches! :P OP, don't get rid of that wallpaper! :D
No? Used the regular mounting holes that are in my mobo. Used some L brackets for the PSU. Not sure what the material is called that I used to mount the's like a roll of metal with holes in it, that I just cut and bent to size.

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