Nice internal upgrade! You should consider the side panel window mod. IMO it looks so much better and I noticed almost no hit to temps w/o the 200mm fan there.
I will look into that. I want to get a tinted window, perhaps this summer I will see what I can do.
Hey, Mountain dew throwback, alright!
Those Noctua fans would serve you better as push. Those fins are designed to channel the air through a radiator.
I actually did have them pushing for the longest time, however I recently switched them for some Corsair SP120 Quiet Editions and I have not noticed a negative impact. They also have that funky color scheme so the SP120s fit better on the inside
Kenwood VR-606 receiver? I used to have that.
Where'd you get those nice miku posters?
They came with my Memories/Impacts best of 07-09 CDs.
What kind of overclocking are u running on the 780ti I got one recently and I want to know what I can do
Well atm I am 1048MHz Core (+172), and 1805MHZ (+110) memory. It is capable of much more I am sure. its just a reference card so it gets loud.