What's the watercooling specs? And what kind of tubing is that, looks awesome!
How much approx. did that liquid cooling set up cost you?
Wow this is beautiful. Great job man!
Good call with the EK blocks, but that tubing and those fan grills....just no.
Personally, I like it. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Couldn't help to notice that bad-ass wallpaper. Pink floyder's UNITE!
Pretty good...tubing was an interesting choice, but it's your build whatever you're happy with :D
You should put the middle speaker in front of the middle monitor. It is pointing well over your head if you are sitting down. plus it would look better.
I had it like that originally. But sometimes I would kinda lie back in my chair and it'll block my view on some ui (most notably Minecraft).
Nice build.. but you should stain/paint your desk darker!