Computer Setup


That's what the tutorial looks like? Mine won't render anything but my character's arms, and gun. I need to repair my install
What are your specs? Maybe we can help you out!
No the tutorial is just a white room. Like a lab.
Actually this is the wall walking section of the tutorial module
Add me up on Origin: pacomanila
I threw you an invite! Look for T17tySparkles.
Accepted! :) See you online!
I love your clean setup. What desk is that?
I just got it from an old warehouse a few years ago, probably from a closed office building :)
Find any fix for the lack of hud when running in surroundview?
It's 2014 and us here at r/lotsofdisplays are still in the neglected minority
Are you having problenms with missing UI on eyefinity too? Because right now all I can see is the XP bar.
Yep, there are loads of UI elements missing when in eyefinity. Its a shame because the games run so well but without certain parts of the UI its almost unplayable.
I know, I've seen people with the full UI and it looks so much better.
Yeah, you miss out on a number of things but I'm still finding the game easy. I know where the initial spawns for the bots are so I can get easy farm in Attrition, and hardpoint I usually can intuit the winning side. It'd be nice to have a radar but I usually get about 80 attrition points in a match anyway.
That's some real first world problems stuff "my computer's native resolution isn't supported by the game i got beta access to :(" but anyway it's good to see it isn't an isolated incident.
I still find it annoying that in this day and age, we still don't have proper support for something that's been around for like half a decade
In a perfect world, eyefinity and surround would be fully supported by every game without the need for weird workarounds.
I play in a band
I dunno about that, I've seen plenty of single-monitor stations recently. I guess they're just not that common because, other than space, additional monitors don't really have a downside.
Can't have too many displays man
Wish I had gotten into the beta :(
I better get some more game time in before the servers crash then.
So since it's open beta tomorrow, how long will we be able to play? Is it still closing on Feb 18 PST?
Goddamn I'm gelatinous. Mind sharing your PC spec? (so I can budget my next upgrade around that)
I'm running a 7970 and I can run the game maxed at 60FPS for 4032x1024 (except AA on x2 only because I haven't tried higher). Source engine doesn't require much.
I don't get this joke man sorry
He's asking about input devices I think (unless I've missed a joke too!) :

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