Computer Setup


How comfortable is that keyboard?
I'm not entirely sure it's worth the price tag but my hands adjusted well to it. The main thing I love about it is not having my hands scrunched up together in the middle of my torso all bent.
As long as you are comfortable! In another note, now I am aware of having my hands scrunched up together, and I am uncomfortable. ಠ_ಠ
Pics of the gun rack, underground bunker and tinned food please. What keyboard is that in the last image and what secrets lie behind that flag?
It's the Saitek Cyborg gaming keyboard. I can't really recommend it though. Mine broke after about 1 yr. The lights are pretty cool, and you can change the color and intensity of different sections. The things on the side are all bindable, but I never really got around to using them, so they were just in the way.
We have no supplies and no fortifications. This location would be very uninteresting to any people during an apocalypse. VERY UNINTERESTING! Please report to your local government or Walmart during such an event and keep off my property.
Where did you get the flag from?
Nice setup you've got going!

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