Computer Setup


Love your wallpapers! Can you link em?
Seriously, the next case I get for mine or a friends build is going to be a h440. looks stunning. have you had any problems with it?
How expensive is building the desk? Your setup looks perfect, I just have no idea on how to go about it.
Total it was around $80. Its just laminated wood, 2" wooden rods, and assorted brackets. It's hooked to the wall for stability so it only needed two legs. To finish it i found white vinyl edging at home depot.
Did you use a guide if so could you post it?
Sorry, but no. Although if you are wanting measurements I would be happy to give them to you.
Hey! If it isn't too much of an inconvenience, would you mind sending those measurements my way? I've been contemplating building mine own desk, just didn't know where to start.

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