Computer Setup


"This is why I'm failing math"
That would be a great alternative title. But seriously- Can you help me? I suck at math
I suck at math myself, I have a pretty strong 78 in that class.
Depends on the math, but the best advice you can get when it comes to math is. Put away the computer, put away the calculator and work out the problems on paper. Well.. at least until you hit Linear Algebra, then you actually might need a computer.
I'm in Linear Algebra now. Not sure what's going on. Midterm Thursday, Titanfall is tomorrow. I'm screwed.
Stick to studying, let me get a day head start :)
Unfortunately I must. I refuse to download it until Thursday night. Part of being an adult :(
As for the linear algebra help, MIT had some excellent videos posted from one of the people that write about the field.
Thanks for the advice
But ya really just do all the practice problems until you can recognize and solve them if you were to get similar questions on a test. Some people of course "get it" quicker than others but I think everyone can be okay at math if they really try hard.
2+2=22... I think that's right. I'm not very good at math either.
I think it's 52... Are there any math-people in this sub?
Maths is all about crap tonnes of practice. A good book is vital. I can recommend Engineering Mathematics by KA Stroud - It's methodical without being patronising, and goes from the very basics right up to advanced calculus, matrices..
42 is the answer to life anyways
Oh. Looked a bit like banished.
That is probably my favorite city building simulator ever.
I didn't play the game a long time and only realized how fucked up my infrastructure is when it was too late... Well, Mabye next time
Its definitely one of those "I fucked this up royally but I'm too vested now." Kinda games. Which I really enjoy, because you really feel like you're evolving your play-style to accommodate the different island styles in each play-through.
Wow, that was well spoken!
Hi. Just let's all be friends
I just play 2d puzzle platformers on an ulttabook.
That's how I ignore fat chicks in class
How do you like that notebook, i was thinking of getting it as a college student.
I really love it. It's the version with the i7 and two GTX 755M. The only issues are the fingerprints
I've seen better, but it's enough for normal tasks where you don't really need precision
Fighting boredom with boredom, when will the insanity stop.
SLI 750ms or single? I have the single version for $700 great portable budget laptop :)

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