Computer Setup


Love what you did with the parallel tubing!
Thanks! Normal builds just seem so damn cramped with tubes running everywhere, obscuring that precious hardware we love so much. I wanted everything out of the way to show off the Mobo and GPU.
I'm with you there. On my first loop I tried my best to leave things uncovered, but alas I will work on that next time.
What is the wallpaper you are using for the monitor on the wall? I love it
Is that a custom made case?
Yup. I made it from some sheets of Lexan and brackets, etc. From home depot. Cut, shaped, and drilled with a Dremel tool (cause that's all I have).
How you get your CPU Temp and HDD space on your wallpaper like that?
Using rainmeter. Its a pretty awesome program. I had to tweak an existing template to get it to work with CoreTemp to extract the CPU temps, though.
Did you do the power button by yourself? Pretty cool rig tough :D
Yup. Bought a Phobya power button and cable off ebay, cut a hole, wired it up, and fired it up.

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