Toilet Computer - Computer Setup


The webcam is missing
Its in the toilet so you dont have to get up to admire your poops
I don't know... seems fairly productive to me. Pants down on the toilet, poop while you play.
Toilet seats aren't very comfy though unless you have one of those padded ones like my grandma. But if not, my ass always falls asleep.
We can build our own computers then why not custom toilet seats made out of leather, and the comfiest foam around!
Why not? Because if you miss...
Yeah why not? Dunno bout you, but with the right detergents (so as not to spoil the leather) it could actually work.
So you're the person who doesn't lift the seat before pissing...
I'm German and I don't lift up the toilet seat because its more efficient to simply sit down. Its faster and the process can be memorized and done without thought. Standing up and aiming always requires some sort of thought and until you get it out you could be sitting already....
I'm unsure that being German actually makes a difference here.
I think it's a cultural thing.
You don't have to clean piss off the floor if you sit.
Yeah but leather on bare skin isn't enjoyable either.
I'm sure many S&M enthusiasts would disagree...
Your grandma is a padded toilet seat?
Missed it by that much, great minds my friend.
What is it about padded toilet seats that grandmas only have
We all need to adopt the padded toilet seats. They're awesome.
Mini fridge and George Foreman grill
Only on coolcomputersetups would this picture even need to have this title.
Goodbye boredom, Hello hemorrhoids.
I know right! Cartman had it all wrong, who needs a bucket?
Voted for 2012 fap station of the year
That looks too similiar to my bathroom.
Plot twist: it is your bathroom
Not an actual coolcomputersetups. Disappointed. :(
Well then get to work...
Don't you ever fucking link to that again.
Please describe what you saw.
What desk/rack are you using there?
Looks like an electric drum set
I just googled to see if it would be cheaper to buy an electric drum set instead of a computer desk. It's not.
Man i sure do like to play the drubs
I just dabble on my drub kit
Now you ruined my already terrible joke GREAT
I am actually sitting next to a digital drumset right now that looks almost exactly like that.
That is most definitely an electric drum set.
At first I thought it was an urban engineered rock band drum kit
Nah, but I did used to use my TD-4 for Rockband. No shame.
So... you did this for shits and giggles?
No idea why somebody would downvote you for this.
I'm surprised no one said it before me.
How do you like the rat 7? I was debating picking it up until I found out Madcatz basically makes it.
Yeah, don't buy it man.
I have it. I would of bought the moba one ( the four button one for games like league.) But i have this one and i picked it up becuase my hand never fit on any other mouse and cramped from too much use. This mouse has so much customization in the way of size that it fits my hands just right now.
So long as you're not getting their normal controllers, Madcatz have some great gear. For example, their fightsticks and fightpads are nothing short of fantastic. As with everything in the Cyborg brand, Rats aren't bad, especially if you want a highly customizable mouse, but I'd still personally go Logitech ot TT eSports, 'cos Logitech and TT.
Got one here, and aside from the hotkey software forgetting to boot a few times, I gotta say it's not bad at all. Most comfortable mouse I've used.
I have a tub like that, it's just an anti-slip texture thing.
And yours looks like that, too? Gross dude, clean your tub.
Looks like some form of bath mat.
Now you don't need to yell "Mom! Bathroom" every time you have to shit!
Genius you'd never need to get up. Just need a mini fridge and microwave within reach.
I have the same tiles in my shower. Nice.
Your poor DTXtreme is beyond its weight capacity. :(
Is that a E-Drum? Shame
Would be an awesomeless shitty way to prep for a colonoscopy!
Whats the joke? You sir, are a genius.
Why are people downvoting poop jokes?!
You have my exact mouse and keyboard
Omfg...I finally found a use for that rockband drum set i had new for 2 years now ($5 when I bought it)
That's an electronic drumset and likely WAY more sturdy than a rockband drumset.
You can die from sitting on a toilet seat mythbusters YO
That is actually...freaking awesome. Assuming you're the only one that has to use that bathroom.
Haha I thought that was a Guitar Hero drum set in front of the monitors.
Now, that is commitment to a joke....
I do say this seems like too much work for a joke! hmmmmmmmm?
What did you use to mount the displays?
That's an e-drum rack, looks like a Yamaha DTXtreme, with monitors standing on the tom pads.
If you could sacrifice a monitor, you could even practice your drumming on the can. Those are electronic drums, right?
If you went through all that hassle to relocate your stations for credit - you deserve it! Have an bookmark!
How do you combat the leg tingles?
What desk is that and who sells it?
Is that a cm haf x case?
Seriously, what stand is that? That is awesome the way you can put the monitors on top of those pedastals and then the R,L,C speakers on top.
Joke, or best idea ever!
Way too much time on your hands.. but have an bookmark
Please tell me you left it like this.
What keyboard and mouse is that?
But what if your penis cant be contained while pooping?!
Joke or not, that's got to be the most awesome shituation I've ever seen.
How do you like the Cyborg MMO 7?
Seems like a lot of work for just 1 joke.
Battery life on the RAT9 is abysmal, good choice.
This is an hilarious joke. Could you explain it to me?
I like the use of the electric drumset
What is that stand? Where can I get one? Wait... is that a Rockband drum kit?
It's still there isn't it?
That is a very elaborate joke.
By joke you mean necessity right?
That‘s my dream set-up right there.
I don't see what is so funny.
That is one hell of a good joke!
Is your mousepad the snare for an electronic drum kit? This is beautiful. I've often fantasized about having a setup come out of the bathroom wall or a one way mirror into the living room, taking an 360 controller with me into the bathroom.
Seems awful alot of work for a "joke" Skeptical look.
You should have said you were drunk. They go crazy for that lie here.
Awfully time consuming joke.
Set up as a joke, left there because it was better than the other spot.
It's not a joke. We all know it's not a joke.
A fucking electric drum kit as a tri-mount. awesome.
Wow. You spent all that time setting this up for a joke? That's some dedication right there for credit.
I think he is on to something.
What is the name of that 'desk' I want it so bad.
Unless you got the sensitivity cranked on that mouse, you're gonna be running outta space...
There are people who sit like this.
What fan did you use to get the front of your case blue?
This is no joke my friend, this is multitasking at it's finest!

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