Computer Setup


Awesome idea! And it looks well made, but I would shit myself climbing in and out of bed with all that attached to it. Or having a girl over? Haha sexytimes would be on the floor...sorry babe
Trust me I made sure that this is "SEX READY"
Man, as you can see by the coolcomputersetups wood lazer cut out my friend made me
When i put it together, I stood on the part where the mattress goes and jumped around and its very heavy and sturdy
Yeah I was so tired from moving in i gave it minimal effort
Don't even worry about it, the effort you put in and the end product justify the cables. But one day you will get so pissed and spend 6 hours to make it perfect :D
Yes someday I will. It just won't be anytime from Monday through Friday from 9-5
The Scotts 4 Step Grass System is a great grass system.
Yes it is actually very nice, nice thick green grass.
I see you've appropriated the essentials, including the lotion and tissues. Nice job
Lol location has worst pollen and is so incredibly dry all the time in the spring
Why didn't you build the top horizontal cross brace so it wouldve been up against the wall and not in a prime location to smack your head on
How much did this cost you? and looks amazing btw
Looks great. one suggestion would be to aim the speakers at your head. It seems as though they are parallel to the plane of the plywood and it might improve sound marginally if you angled them slightly towards your head.
Very well done! I do have a question though. Why do you have the TV opening out to face the wall and not out to face the other side of the room? Am I missing something here?
That feel mousepad. ಥ_ಥ me too.
My goodness! You and my brother would get along wonderfully!!! He has the exact same taste in everything!
I love to see when someone puts so much effort into building their whole setup. Well done.
I like the blatant bottle of lotion towards the end...
The first couple of pics looked like you were building gallows
I really like this! The cables need work and I think it would have looked really cool had you painted it or stain the wood.
I hope you're not an idiot like me and forget that you can't stand up. It's truly awesome but the height and the beam above the bed looks like head crackin fun.
Why did you put the top part with the bar going across above your mattress out and not against the wall? Also what is that little tiny hinged piece by your tv?
Dude, im too druink to look atr all therese. good jpob anyway
Im sooo drunkkk sooo drnk i cnt evn splll, hahahaa xDD!! k i gt to go sleep, i gt shool tormww, im in 8th grde xDD!!

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