Computer Setup


Can't believe I have just been Rick Rolled here....
Where's the randomly placed Spice and Wolf novel that's usually there?
Are your Headphones resting on a Mic? It looks familiar, but I can't remember the name. Could you tell me? I wanted to get one of these since people seemed to be quite happy with them.
Correct! It is the Blue Snowball. Pretty sure the descriptions for all the peripherals were written in the coolcomputersetups album.
Aww, sorry about that. I didn't even realize there was an album. Very nice gaming setup, though. And thanks for pointing out the name again.
That's a really nice gaming setup dude. The desk and the general area of your setup look absolutely beautiful. I'd like to imagine someday i'll have a great setup like that.
Is the wallpaper based on an anime? if so which one is it? thanks
... and figure out what way you want to watch the series :P
Thanks a lot man.. will do. I'm watching a lot of anime now!! on an anime spree!
How do you like those Swans? I have a 2.0 system by them, but I want to put an active sub. Just don't know what to get D:
Your money is wasted on these headphones without a proper amp.
Have the Xonar DG currently, they will "work" in a pinch. and:
A good choice. I recently got Beyerdynamic DT 990 premiums at 600 ohms, and I use a Schiit Asgard 2 + Bifrost. Probably my favorite addition to the ol' gaming setup.
What I was trying to say is you should either buy the headphones+amp or nothing, unless your current audio setup already bad.
You see, I have a problem with the O2+ODAC, it looks bad. Why are all the ports in front is beyond me. I want to rectify that, and I'm learning how, which takes time.
Was going to ask if you're also a member of r/headphones. ;)
Nicest gaming setup I have seen on here.
Absolutely beautiful desk and awesome cable management... I need to do some myself, but I keep putting it off.
Great gaming setup! Nice and clean. Love the U2711, also.
How easy or hard was it to apply the Di-Noc to the death adder. I have one myself and that is a mighty fine idea given the sample is only £1.50 and that should be big enough. Lovely gaming setup by the way. I wish I could get mine as clean looking.
Took me 3hours+ and alot of heat & patience. Di-noc no like compound curves.
That's what worried me :(
I like how someone else posted he was a serial killer in that thread too.
What kind of desk is that with the cubbyhole?
Not everyone lives in a country with the luxury of space. It's a custom built desk.
That's even cooler than something store-bought. Do you have any photos of construction?
Do you remember what kind of material you used? How is it mounted to the wall?
It's just wood with laminate, mounted via brackets.
Oh okay, Its a beautiful desk, I would love to make something even remotely similar to this. Tt looks as though the black wood on the front are drawers that you can pull out. Can you confirm this?
Yep, 3 drawers. you can't really see it, but it uses the same skin as the cupboards above.
Beautiful setup. The jelly I have is overwhelming.
May I know what it taste like? :o
Awwwww, such a bummer! I have a similar sized nook (my desk is in the cutout for a closet) that needs a built in desk... really want to copy your construction!
Amazing apartment too, you have good taste duckne
Oh hah I just recognized your desk, case, and the skull.
Mmm those AKGs. I've been saving up for the same exact model actually.
Have them. They are amazing. Good choice saving for those.
I have the white M10's and im looking to get the white Q701's. OP is living my dream right now.
Nice setup, are both of those headphones wireless? And if so how good is the battery life?
They're not wireless, I just have the wires hidden ;)
This looks like one of those display rooms at Ikea. Super clean man, good job!
Where'd you get the Swans? I've been looking for those for ages, I only find websites that are sold out in them.
Got them a year ago at a local brick and mortar store, pretty sure they still stock them. I'm not in the US though so my location is probably unimportant :P
Super clean I love it. Best cable management I can remember.
The mouse skin is pretty awesome. Would you share more details?
Sure thing, material is called 3M carbon fiber film Di-noc, you can probably find it online pretty cheap, and you probably only need like... a 1ft x 1ft piece.
That's really clean. Nice work.
Best setup ever. I bet the color of the noctua cooler makes you twitch.
Nah it's good, I don't have the windowed R3/R4.
Hey where did you get the carbon for your mouse? Did you buy it seperately and cut it out etc...?
Material is called 3M carbon fiber film Di-noc, you can probably find it online pretty cheap, and you probably only need like... a 1ft x 1ft piece.
Swan M10s, it's written in the album and above
They are good enough for me.
Don't cut yourself short mannnnnnnn
Wow. Well done on everything; aesthetics, cable management, that sweet boar skull.
Mirin your cable mgmt, brah
While the entire set-up is magnificent I can't help but gravitate towards those beautiful cupboards. There's a whole lot of envy in this coolcomputersetups now friend, excellent work!
I loooooove my Swans. Glad to see someone else appreciates them!
How's the EVGA video card performing? I was wondering about the i5 combo you have with it.
Really noisy at high RPMs but otherwise fine.
Love the Swan M10's makes me really want a set. They look awesome.
I feel like I have seen you on /g/
Wow, scrolling down the comments and no one asks about the skull.
Usual question when I see a nice gaming setup, what do you do for a living?
I am currently a student, I have done "other stuff" for two years before though.
Bit of a technical audio question for ya here:
Speakers are to the integrated audio, headphones to the sound card.
I'm so jealous of your desk. I really like your whole white theme set up. I would do the same thing except my room is beige :(
Are those special edition m50's or something else?
Why is the sub to the right? I have the same speakers , that would annoy me
Because the only other "logical" position for me to place it would be to the left. Can't put the monitor on top of it in the center, would make the monitor too high. Can't place it under the desk due to aesthetic and practical reasons (volume knob close to feet is bad). Doesn't bother me too much since I mainly use my Q701s now.
Its not really a subwoofer its more of a midwoofer so to get the best performance its best left on the desk as is.
How are those headphones? I'm looking to purchase them. Heard nothing but good things from those things.
Comfort: due to the velor earpads, they are extremely comfortable and do not get hot after extended use (unlike my M50s). the headphones do not clamp on your ears either. Only minor complaint is the bumps on the top which doesn't bother me that much (I have plenty of hair!) but for people who don't it may quickly become a comfort issue for them.
Does Quincy Jones personally serenade you to sleep?
Does the Xonar DG qualify as enough amp for them?
Dat cable management... unf. 10/10 would play games and edit photo's at.
I love the simplicity and cleanliness of it.
I bet he kills that cereal every morning.
How do you live with 1 monitor?
1440P is plenty big really. I'm also going to get a U2412M as soon as my finances allow it (though probably the O2+ODAC first)

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