Computer Setup


That is a really nice backyard.
Nice desk :) i would love to have one of those but my room is too small :(
My room is really small too I have a path to my door left...
Wow...and is it just me or did your tv get smaller..
No maybe it's just the bigger desk. It's the same TV.
Or its the angle..side view versus slanted view xD
I can't help but think that, the mini pond in the yard is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Where does the mini door lead to? malkovich?
I need to know as well, WHAT IS IN THE DOOR??
An alternate realty where I rule the world from my new desk.
You have a fucking lake in your front yard. Bro...I would be outside every day...
If you saw it everyday for 17 years I'm sure you'd think different
I kind of liked the before? I'm a sucker for bay windows with a place to sit though.
I was thinking the same thing. Desk is cool but why remove the built-in lounge?
You guys did a nice job. Make sure to update us when you build your PC.
Hell yes art of flight
Best ski or snowboard movie by far!
If I lived at your house I would never go inside ...
Well Ive lived here for my whole 17 years and i'm still outside alot
Am I the only person that doesn't own multiple acres or live in a high rise building?
Nope. I'm poor also. :(
OK good. I thought I was the only one. I actually have houses next to me in my neighborhood.
What's the top made out of, MDF?
I like it... totally reminds me of many projects my Dad and I have done together.
Nice job! Why not paint it?
I always appreciate a custom built desk. Bravo good sir.
Is there a section for coolcomputersetupsors with awesome houses? that'd be cool to look at
Sweet yard; where is that?
Your yard reminded me of my friends yard and were from Ohio as well lol.
Ohio has some surprises. Alot of people just think its just farmland.
Here in the North West it is. Just flat, with beans and corn.
Sure is, my ex used to live in Miller City (nearish to Defiance)
Yeah I see that a lot around here.
Sort of like Iowa I guess.
This is pretty neat and especially that bond with your father. Do you plan on adding varnish in the near future or any type of coating? I would hate to get water on that and start getting bumps :/
Its fiber board not wood so it doesn't get bumps
It definitely does. MDF swells like none other if it gets wet. It's just highly compressed sawdust.
How do you like the vita?
Dat view... lucky SOB!
Is your dad Steve Jobs?
But dat tucked in black shirt in those jeans... are you sure?
Do you use the keyboard on the laptop? It would be a lot less awkward if you got a separate keyboard, plugged that into your laptop, adjusted the power settings so that it will stay on when you close it and just set the laptop on one of those lower shelves. Then also set your computer to wake up when you click the mouse.
I am getting a new keyboard but all of the ones that use USB are in use. All I have are those weird plug ones...
Those weird plug ones are ps2 plugs. But on another note, you should just remove this broken monitor from the laptop if you're using am external display. That way you can use the laptop as the keyboard. I've seen it done before and its pretty clever.
I was going to recommend the same thing. Change the power setting to "do nothing" when you close the lid. Also a 4 port USB hub is like 5 dollars online. Would clean up the set up a lot.
But cool set up man.
What's it like having golf balls through the window every second day?
Control panel > power options > choose what closing the lid does > do nothing in both drop downs.
You have an amazing views. Good job on the desk.
Love the desk and the yard...i'm jelly
To be honest, I would paint that desk just because in my opinion wood like that isn't the greatest look just an idea :)
That yard looks like a scene from a scary movie.
Upvoted for massive potential :) nice work
Nobody has commented on your DJ set up yet. So . .cool beans man, do you have anything recorded or do you just like messing around with it? What kind of tunes do you like mixing? Also, why is that speaker hiding under the desk? You know you needs to have it at ear level for the best sound quality playa!
I have the same laptop setup lol. Stupid screen...
You should laminate and edge band the tops and stain the rest.
Great view! Can I ask whereabouts you live? American South? (flynets over the windows)
Nice that you made your own desk, and that view is great!
That corner of the table looks like it will hurt if you ever ran into it.
Pretty good! Have an bookmark.

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