Computer Setup


What is the plexiglass on the wall for?
It is used as a dry erase board. Although now the monitor covers most of it. #fwp
I would also like to know this.
You could add Ultramon and have a task bar on your second screen. It's free software. I've been using it for several years.
Windows 8 also has great support for multi-monitor task bars!
How are your monitors mounted?
magic. + Monoprice articulating wall mounts with in-wall wiring.
Is that a Nexus 4 charging orb I spy?
Sure is. I love the phone.
Same here but I'm using a samsung infuse dock for mine.
Nice setup! It looks great!
I have the same monitors! :D
The glass top, the wire-free mounting, the cleanliness, the down light. Fucking beautiful. Love your work.
I love the lamp on the top, does that affect your visibility ?
I have that monitor. I almost got a second one but stopped myself because I'm afraid two of them would be... a bit too much.
Do it! Having multiple monitors is so much more productive.
Desk and glass top from ikea?
I really want to know this as well. Looks like the perfect desk!
Soooooooo, what kind of monitor is it?
I wanna say its a 231HLbid but not sure. I have the 231 but these look bigger? Can anyone confirm? OP?
That desk wants 3 monitors.
How you hid monitor wires? nice mounting btw, congz
Can you post the wallpaper?

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