Computer Setup


Few bits on the desk need re-arranging, and cabling needs a little work, but all-in-all, Pretty much done!
Is a gaming setup ever really finished?
Why call it a gaming setup if it isn't even prepared for battle?
Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL computer setup!
What game is that in the first pic?
Looks like a beast! And you already know you need to hide those cables.
Yea, not sure how to go about it tbh, may need a ferw longer cables and hide them round the table. Will make taking it down for LAN a PITA though.
Your station looks great dude! Could you provide us with some specs on the PC, monitors, and monitor stand? Thanks!
Really nice setup!! I just bought a 770 and a z87 to match my 4670k haswell
Did you intend for the fans to your h80(?) to exhaust the air into the case? But build is clean!
Yea, had a few of these since they came out, I find that the cooling is better with cold air coming in over the rad. Intakes are at the bottom front of the case, sides and back, then it all goes out of the top to heat my room \o/
Love the chair, any idea where i can pick one up?
Twas a 'Gamer Chair' from Argos.
Thanks! Defiantly will be picking one up soon
I was just about to order that same chair for my gaming setup. Would you recommend it? I can get it for like $100. Worth it or not?
I love it. Not as comfortable as a massive leather one, but for the price its good :)
Awesome. thnx :D here take this bookmark >D
I see a cyclone hull.. upboats

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