Computer Setup


What box is that? Everything looks good!
The only matching thing we have is the headset :D
Nice chassis! Link please! Micro ATX or ATX?
That keyboard has so many buttons.
I have those headphones, speakers, and the LCD version of that keyboard. Nice!
As a person with the modmic setup I second this. But you sound really douchey, just saying. WHy not list the positives? Like how the case is sick as fuck and everything matches?
But, I think the case is incredibly ugly. I much prefer the the Fractal Design cases and their clean look.
Is this your station? It's kinda clear OP isn't going for the minimalist look.
Like Mawntee saidm, I didn't went for the minimalistik look... And I prefer my headset for gaming, if I wan't to listen to music, I just plug in the sound card and have good quality.
Plugging into the sound card does not give good quality if the frequency response of the headphones is already poor. If you like listening to music then go to /r/headphones and they can give some good recommendations on headphones. Personally, if you're looking for a cheap pair of headphones that are exceptionally good value for frequency response then get the Superlux HD 681.

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