Computer Setup


You should mention the other equipment as well.
The middle one is. The 2 outside are dell 23in 1080p monitors. I used to have 3 but alas it is no more.
Hey im still doing research/on the fence. I currently have a single 24" TN monitor. However, I am looking into either getting a triple 27" 1440 or having a single 1440 in the middle flanked by 2x 24" tns. Is there some reason you got rid of the 1440s on the sides? Any suggestions or tips from your experiences?
What chair is that? and do you like it?
Dat Wallpapers sync : <3
Grab a LP-2020A+ Lepai amp and some nice Hifi speakers from ebay/craigslist. It will be 10x better than your current audio setup.

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