Computer Setup


Turn the cooler around, it's blowing hot air at your graphics card. Same for your PSU.
I've heard conflicting reports for having the PSU either way round. Also there's a case fan right by the CPU - surely it's better that way round?
Nope, it's better to have it exhausting the air straight to the outside.
Interesting - OK I'll turn it around. I assumed as there was very little ground clearance (especially now as it's sitting on carpet (eek!) it was better this way. Thanks!
In that case, get some cardboard or something under it. Pronto.
There are a few things I would change in the build to get better cooling performance out of the system.
It has about an inch of space behind the MB and the MB power will reach going behind.
Specs? Btw- manage those cables man! It doesn't take too long and is well worth it-
U think that's bad, u should see my cables :p
You definitely want that CPU cooler pushing that hot air towards the back of the case
I've noticed a lot of people here use corsair power supplies, is there a reason for this?
I have that case too! high five
Seriously, manage the cables. This case is amazing for cable management.
What do u think of ur arctosa?

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