Computer Setup


That's one uncomfortable looking perch you have there.
My gaming setup, I'm a freelance games developer so I have lots of monitors and computer systems. My house is over 104 years old and so I have a chandelier in my office which I love!
Oh shit, I was going to ask what you've been developing at grandma's house, but much respect for older homes. DAT CURTAIN.
Nbajam, test drive 4,5,6 la rush, plus loads of others.. Mostly do smaller games now, just released pro foosball on ps3 not out in usa yet.. Soon though just submitted it..
And I like my curtains.. Room is always dark anyway..
Spends $3,000 on gaming setup, doesn't even buy a decent chair -__-
I stand i dont sit.. the chair is there for occasional use when im doodling.
What model of potato did you take these photos on?
Actually used a spare vita..
That's the tastiest kind. It's a shame more Americans don't recognize that the plain old potatoes are far inferior to Vita potatoes.

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