Computer Setup


That's a beast. Nice setup.
Do you use headphones or speakers?
I use speakers, Creative inspire T6160 5.1
Did you get that motherboard along with the Intel retail deal or did you just chose an Intel Motherboard ? I'm pretty sure I got that exact same one with the i7 2700k back in december 2011.
Nope, it's funny that you mentioned december 2011 though, because im pretty sure that's when did this build. But no as far I as I remember the motherboard and the processor weren't bundled.
How did you do the skull light thing? Or is that part of the mobo?
Part of the mobo. It's an intel DP67BG, sadly I'm not sure if the mobo is being sold anymore.
Have you considered getting a stand?
Did you cut the mesh out of the side fan mesh?
No, but I did just notice how in the pictures it looks like I did. The case comes likes that for a (I think)220... Or 200mm fan. I couldn't fit a fan there because of the huge V8 cooler. But I like it with no fan, and I plan on buying the panel that has glass there instead of mesh.
I also have that case, but i guess I've never noticed it because i don't have lights on the inside besides the top fan.
Respectfully, your chair sucks. I think I used to have that exact chair. Get a full-backed chair. Headrests are the shizzzzzzzz when gaming in Surround/Eyefinity.

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