Computer Setup


Finally, an actual battle station!
I've never posted in this Sub before, but I figured my combination office would fit in well around here
And just like that, you have become a "person of interest" for the NSA...
Upvote because your dog, also can I get a link to that desk?
$159 with free 2-day shipping on Amazon Prime.. Best desk I have ever owned. Seriously, just read all the Amazon reviews.
You should get a gun safe for all of that.
I know, I know... But here's the thing. Gun safes are so damn expensive that by the time I get $1,500 set aside to go buy one, I say well fuck would I rather buy this gun safe or 3 more guns?! and I always choose more guns! haha
That's really cool, are you from the US?
Yup.. Born in California, raised in Missouri, now living in Florida.. I've been coast to coast!
Eek. Ever worry your monitor will fall?
Nah.. It's really thick glass with 2 metal support beams underneath it. I've had this setup for a couple years now without an issue. (knock on wood)
Dear sir or ma'am, as one sincerely curious and not at all a gun person (in the sense that I'm also not a dog person -- I'm not opposed, I just prefer something else), I have to ask:
I am definitely a collector, but I also go shooting at least once per week. I love all types of guns, and shooting is my favorite hobby. Shotguns are for trap and skeet shooting, where you shoot clay targets flying through the air.. Rifles are for long range target shooting (my favorite).. Handguns are fun to shoot also, and used for concealed carry self protection.
So much porn on that monitor
I hope you don't have younger children that could get to that.
I do not.. Although I still keep all ammunition locked in a combination safe just to be extra careful (except for some shotgun shells I just bought today)
Nice! I knew you wouldn't leave the ammo out. I didn't assume you were extremely careless. The comment before was just my thought that came to mind.
Yea? MURICANS appreciate home offices filled with weaponry?!
As long as there are guns involved.

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