Computer Setup


You guys are so close to each other.
Looks about as comfortable as three guys on a bench seat in a pickup truck.
We're all using swivel chairs and there's air conditioning in the room so its surprisingly nice.
Just make sure there are shower breaks.
And bathroom breaks. 5 gal buckets don't count.
Woah, that's awesome. Last LAN party I had was years ago with Halo 2. What game(s) are you guys going to be enjoying?
Planetside 2, gta iv and battlefield having the time of out lives!
Take my bookmark because your going to be playing Planetside 2.
Sounds awesome. I was just playing some Battlefield myself. Have fun! :D
Sweaty balls up in here
That's quite a big problem because leather is like a radiator... so regular showers are needed I've had two already!
Together? What kind of party is this?
That looks a little to close together to play... unless your really good friends...
Theyre triplets conjoined at the hip.
I JUST had a LAN party, only for one day though. My question is, how can you do 3 days?
I slept fir pretty much the entire day before. So far 34 hours no sleep, the other two have had about 3 hours each so far I'm going to go for a couple hours soon too.
I dont understand why people seem to think that being up for 30+ hours is a smart thing on lans.. You only get tired and grumpy and nothing is fun. If you sleep for like 4-5 hours every night / morning tho, you will have a way better time.
Yes we have decided on an 8 hour at least night tonight and then we should be ok but what really helps me is drinking water instead of energy drinks, I've drank over 10 litres so far, pissing alot but I'm not actually grumpy :D
YES! Water is the fucking bomb on Lan parties! Good on ya, mate :D
Haha, what we've done is basically from around noon/2PM to 2AM ish, then slept. Back again at Noon and up to around 10PM to allow for work.
I do a more or less yearly LAN party with a group of friends. You always game late into the night the first night (4 am, sometimes 6am), but then you just sleep into the afternoon. Wake up, people take showers, boil some eggs for a nice breakfast. Then another day and evening of gaming which usually ends a bit sooner (still at least 2 am though) because people want to be a bit fit the next day when they're leaving.
Mixxed Up, such a cheap disgusting drink that I love
Nice. Longest I've gone for one lan party was 18 hours straight, then went to sleep and went home at around 2:00 the next day.
I love the K60. Do you usually play with the wrist thingy?
Step it up punks. my lan party's had 2 homes and 10 people. back when you had to LAN.
I'm always in support of LAN parties, but damn that just looks like you guys are a bit too close to each other. If that table had just the left and right guys and the third was on another table next to them, it would be much more inviting.
And here, we see the same problem that people had with splitscreen
I see a k60 and a steel series g7. What keyboard is on the far right?
Hmm... Are you sure that is Steel Series G7, looks a lot like Microsoft Sidewinder X4. :)
Darn! Oh, and is the one on the right a 6gv2? I'm fixated on the g7 since I'm looking for my first mechanical board and I'm interested in mx blacks. As the k60 is yours do you find the mx reds to be good for gaming and typing? Anyways, good luck with the lanparty!
What keyboard is that on the far left?
Speaking of LAN parties, does anyone know any good games for them? My friends and I have tried to set up a few. I saw OP post Planetside, GTA, and Battlefield, but does anyone know any other ones from their experience?
I have the same monitor as the guy on the far left!
That's mine :p 24" samsung syncmaster yeah?
Same here. Had mine for about 2 years now.
I've had mine 3 months now, first dedicated gaming and multimedia pc I've built so it was rather fitting to buy a sexy monitor, except for the single dead pixel in the top left side of the screen :(
I've had mine for 7 months now and I have been loving it ever since. I am getting 2 more of the exact same for triple monitors. <3 I think I have the 27' though.
Yup, I've been using that bad boy for a while too.
Do you guys like being that close to each other?
We used to call that a nerd sex fest
But... If you're playing each other, you can just glance over and see where they are hiding in the game. :look of disapproval:

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