Computer Setup


A true keyboard. keeping other from using your computer.
How come I can't find the «no layout» on their website ??
The keys are likely from WASD keyboards. You can order your own custom keysets from them.
Yeah, as the others said, the keycaps are custom. It's hard to find sets that perfectly fit the Pure, so you'll have to frankenstein sets together and/or order individual keys.
I'm looking to replace the keys on my Pure as well. Where did you buy your caps?
My sets are from WASD until I can find the right layout in thick, PBT plastic.
The grey keys are labeled Dark Grey on the site, the white keys are White, and the single, light blue key there is from the sample pack.
Thank you for this head up :)
I feel like I'd be saying "Fuck you...." to that keyboard a lot.
Yeah, I'm going to need that lovely wallpaper.
Just commenting so I can remember to check back for that wallpaper as well! :)
Wah? My name is Lawrence K.
I'm going to go through your profile just to get something juicy. BRB!
Forget the gaming setup, pics of the bike are in order
So is that actually for a velodrome or just for balls to the wall road riding?
Really hoping it's for the track, but with water bottles it's probably not ಠ_ಠ
Yeah. It's fucking gorgeous either way but I feel ya
I was training on this bike and building another for the track. My typical fortune, or lack thereof, has brought me to parting out my track bike for the time being. I still have this bike though, but am awaiting other job prospects before I really have time to start conditioning again :[
That's a lot of hard training. Good luck. Enjoy the bike!
Was my more of a riverbed, training bike before a year ago when I actually had time to ride :\
I will post my keyboards once I get my keycaps all sorted :]
The simplicity if this gaming setup makes it one of my favorites. You definalty have my bookmark.
IPS panel and wall mount upgrade to come. Photos of the box update later.
How do you get the light like that?
Do you mean the blue LED lighting?
Just a simple LED strip from ebay. One single strip (cut to size) along the back of the desk. 5050 LEDs vice 3528 as they are just generally better quality (colorwise), and the colors are more vibrant.
What do you connect the LEDs to for power?
I have mine connected led strip>proximity sensor>wall wart. The proximity sensor is pointed at my keyboard tray so that when I slide out my keyboard the leds come on.
The LEDs came with a typical 12v power adapter, sensor, and remote that has different flashing and color-changing configuration built-in, and is supposed to be somewhat programmable, though I don't know how on that tiny remote.
Where did you get that giant mouse pad?
Sometimes less is more - simple, clean, and does what it needs to.
How did you manage those wires in back? I have a similar desk and its so messy.
Some nails, some zip ties, and electrical tape. The cables are just kind of haphazardly tucked away for now though.
What's that a rat and razer golithus ?
That's definitely not a Goliathus.
RAT7 (it's okay), and this is the pad
Can recognize a rat any where they look like fucking transformers.
Looks like the aftermath of a stealth fighter crash.
Really nice, especially the photo quality (not "technically" talking I mean; the ambiance, the way you took it, etc, are really amazing.) Good job :)
I am also looking for this keyboard but in that color scheme.
What keycaps do you use?
Custom caps from either ebay or WASD keyboards.
The define r4 is just so good. I have it as well and love it.
The forward most portion of it was broken on arrival :\ It's zip tied on until I get the motivation to build a bracket or similar. Great case though, just wished that front piece wasn't bracketed in with plastic.
Have you tried contacting Fractal Design? I remember reading a post where a user had a broken front piece and Fractal Design managed to replace it with no hassle.
After RMAs on several parts, and constant misfortune, I opted to just zip-tie the damn thing until I get some time to make my own, sturdier brackets. I was in no mood to wait any longer for returns and shipping. With my luck, the second would have just arrived in the same disorder.
Hey, nice case, I got the same :P
I feel like you'd be lying if you didn't forget the symbols across the number keys at least sometimes!
I only get confused between Home, End, PageUp, and PageDown all the time, but the lack of a layout is annoying if I'm trying to find buttons while my hands aren't on the home row haha
Yeah, it's definitely not for anyone who isn't strictly touch-typing all the time. I have a different keyboard that I use for certain applications like gaming or photoshop. This one is for work and such.
I gotcha. i really like the look of the keyboards i've seen with the lettering on the front of the keys instead of the face. Very good alternative.
I find elegance in simplicity. Keep on keeping on.
Your case....I approve. Simple but nice
Why the fuck would anyone want a keyboard like that?
Mechanical switches, it takes up much less room on your desk, and it looks bad ass?
Also, the layout is the same size. The keyboard is just "trimmed."

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